
Also we can guarantee this won’t even have good frame pacing. No Creation engine ever has. Them limiting it to 30 FPS isn’t going to magically change that. So that’s another reason he’s wrong. Sad and pathetic that he’s deleting replies that discuss technical stuff like this.

I’m sorry, but that’s gibberish. I’m not remotely pro-level, but it’s incredibly obvious how much easier it is to react and aim at 60 FPS (or better yet, 144 FPS), than 30 FPS. You can see this yourself very easily playing almost any online shooter.

Unreal 5 allows them to do the same thing, interestingly.

“It’s like when some modder goes into a game and “fixes” the framerate to be uncapped, and all of a sudden entire systems and mechanics start snapping in half.”

At least looking at Barbarian and Necro (the classes I’m most familiar with), I definitely don’t think you would go with 10-15 skills in most cases. That might not be true with other classes of course. With my current build I think I’d have maybe 8 skills rather than 6, if I could have any number.

Agree completely. It feels like you kind of have to waste skill points right now, and an awful lot of builds would open up with one more slot.

Good question re: ghosts. I can’t think of a single one that’s more than a rumour or idea, but magic is still rising at the end of GoT, I believe, so they could yet appear.

Why be a shit? I mean, it’s a real question? What makes you stop and think “I need to be a total wanker to this writer, and idiotically imply that their writing was done by an AI”. Is it to feel alive or something? To get you through the day? It’s pretty ghastly shit. Also just really dumb because as contorted as the

Yeah it’s something about the very coiffed hair and goatee combo. I’m getting like “smarmy Archer villain” vibes almost.

They’d jump in front of an electric semi just to “prove” that the vehicles don’t hurt people that much if someone gets ran over by it.”

Yeah it’s not like Reddit is fundamentally that special mechanically. It would be much easier to see a mass exodus off Reddit than Twitter, because it’s much more information-oriented. 

You’re not wrong though, are you?

Yeah. There’s also some fucking ghastly shitbird willing to, and I’m sorry to use the phrase “white knight” any random business or CEO that he knows absolutely nothing whatsoever about, because he’s made up a scenario in his head. It’s a huge problem.

You’re genuinely a stupid and ignorant person if you think this is “needed to keep reddit running”. Reddit is profitable, and there’s no sign of that changing.

Yeah it’s kind of fascinating. I note Hugh Hefner had four kids, two who are around 70, and two who are just over 30 (Marston is 33), so it’s possible there some kind of elaborate shenanigans where the second mother and her kids were locked out of a lot (or all) of Hugh’s fortune, or it might just be held in trust

All you’re “subjective”s are proving is that you’re completely aesthetically illiterate. It’s sad really.

This design is identical to a lot of early 1980s speculative designs for what airliners of the future would look like, I note. I was obsessed with planes up until about 13 and particularly future plans - the truss-wing design was practically default for future subsonic airliners and cargo planes (though the exciting

No. I worked for over a decade at a corporate law firm as a researcher, and I know exactly how far forwards companies project in any serious way, and it is almost never more than a decade, two at the outside the most extremely long-term-ist companies. However, plans that aimed that far out almost always fall through

Dark medieval fantasy in games and even other movies/TV where it appears doesn’t look anything at all like GoT, in general, so that’s a bizarre thing to say. Just look at the Souls games or Diablo 4 for easy examples. Dark medieval fantasy, but look absolutely nothing like GoT.

Not mentioning incredibly obvious influence wouldn’t magically have made the incredibly obvious influence unnoticeable, so that’s a bizarre thing to wish for. Even before they mentioned it, people were talking about it.