
I think you’ve got the right idea for the talent, but this isn’t the talent’s decision. The amounts the talent receive from residuals are tiny, typically. But the total cost of all that, to the company, is quite significant. I mean, it’s not, it’s paltry, but we’re talking about cheap bastards here. Truly cheap

I don’t think it’s dumb to be skeptical. I had to think about it, and my brain dredged up “Water is good for blocking radiation” so I double checked that - also it’s an F&F movie, the assumption here has to be more that they got this right by accident than intention!

I mean there’s no denying Bad Boys, Independence Day, Men In Black, Enemy of the State all in a row was the height of Smith’s box office success, but it seems a bit weirdly revisionist to say it was “all downhill from there”. I mean, he kind of did it again with Ali, Bad Boys 2, Men in Black 2 a few years later, and

Submerging a neutron bomb would actually be pretty effective, so long as it went reasonably deep (I haven’t seen the movie so I have no idea if it did). Water is essentially the best way to shield against gamma radiation and x-rays - a foot of water provides about the same shielding as an inch of lead - which is

It’s because they have residuals to pay even if no-one watches a show - a very small amount of residuals, but an amount nonetheless. They also don’t pay as many residuals as you’d think when you watch a show - the WGA is currently trying to get his fixed and the AMPTP are trying very hard to ensure it is not fixed.

Doesn’t DA2 at least have some dialogue/plot choices that relate to being a Blood Mage? I thought that it did, but it’s been a few years.

They’ll probably get licensed to Tubi or some other streaming service like the content HBOMax removed.”

This seems like a scheme to not pay the talent behind these programs what they are owed in residuals.”

The loud is what gets me. I’m just not up for it anymore. It’s not fun. It doesn’t enhance the experience. Having some quiet music and letting conversation fill the place is fine, but it seems like even most calm/chill-seeming pubs/bars love to jack up the music to “can’t hear someone four feet away from you unless

I mean, if you’re asking “does theatre and opera ever get 7-minute plus standing ovations” and just throwing in “circle jerk” for spice/internet-person-ness, then yes, some theatre and opera performances (and probably some musical theatre too) does indeed get very lengthy standing ovations.

Ahhhh damn that’s the old-skool Blizzard match-making - that’s how they did matchmaking in WoW’s Arenas back in the day (3v3 PvP back then), and it’s what made me quit Arenas entirely, because it was so profoundly unfun. The matchmaking would match you with a much lower-rated team and you’d stomp them, then a much a

I think that’s entirely possible. If your show dramatically improves across the run (and let’s be real - many shows have), then it’s much more helpful to have it out as a block, because some people will watch to the end and be able to spread the info that it improves a lot.

I mean, it’s a possible reading, but there are a lot of other possible readings, not least simply experimentation on Disney’s part. It could also for example be that the story works in a way that is not really compatible with the one episode/week model Disney has favoured.

“he has been right far more often than wrong”

Yeah I would think this was mostly for younger people, which is fine honestly. I know Mass Effect gained a lot of new fans with ME:LE.

I think that’s right re: new setting every 2-3 episodes. Most of the jokes got worn out by then, and they could have hit up a lot more genres/subgenres.

I feel kind of mad with myself because I didn’t even watch Archer until like, S7 or something. I saw pictures of it, heard descriptions of it, and thought “My god that looks and sounds absolutely ghastly” (despite my love of The Man from UNCLE and so on), and the memes people were using from it only contributed to my

Because a new edition of 40K just came out, like just now. It’s designed to be a lot more accessible and have more play modes, as I understand it, which seems sensible.

Staggeringly good stuff.

I disagree, because there extreme strength of feeling you get from BotW fans is so wild that it is divisive, it’s like literally hard to talk to people who are so into the game, they can’t understand why you think it’s just a “decent game”. You can see this in a lot of the 10/10 and 5/5 reviews (one of even implies