
So long as the production is entirely outside the purview of the WGA, it should be fine.

Yeah it seems like the WGA understands the issue better than the companies involved do.

It was absolutely an option, what are you talking about?

Yeah, I think whilst we pretty much all support the strikers here, the take that it was purely good for viewers seems like a very long-termist or even revisionist one. Multiple shows got severely negatively impacted because of the previous strike. Yes, over the long view that’s probably fine, but if you cared about

It doesn’t make any sense to think it’ll be a detriment to the writers.

AI-generated prose and scripts look like good writing to people who have no idea what the fuck good writing is.”

It’s not plausible.

Not really. Not until we’re long past Large Language Model-style AI and into General Purpose AI, which is likely decades away.

It’s true re: reruns, but it’s not the same as having a large back-catalogue/list of shows you actually meant to/want to watch, which we have now.

What is the “right way”, then, exactly?

“After the writers strike ended in 2008, we got some of the best television we had seen in years—critic Emily St. James notes that the subsequent seasons of Breaking Bad and Mad Men, for example, were some of the best we had ever seen. Other shows like Party Down, Community, and even Kings got their chance to show

“Catastrophically bad”?

Ann Coulter used to be top of the list, but she’s been long-since exceeded in fascist nutbaggery by people like MTG. A few months back she ended up being on the left side of an argument on FOX, even. She’s absolutely a vile fascist nutbag, but the Overton window has moved so far right (and is still moving) that she’s

That’s the issue though - these companies don’t have any real customer support - or even driver support. So the only way to make them behave is to shame them publicly enough that the issue jumps the massive gap from being a “support issue” they can dismiss with a canned response to something that’s a potential PR

I dunno about the US, but in the UK UberEats also has a bunch of small grocery stores on it, and the ones which aren’t big chains (i.e. Tesco etc.) tend to be insanely overpriced - and not, sadly, because they’re selling you drugs (or if the are I’m sadly missing out), but rather because they’re open hours the big

You’re truly intellectually and morally bankrupt, aren't you? Amazing soulless stuff.

I don’t think that the power is the issue because the problem with recent PC ports has been consistently that even on machines that are vastly more powerful than a PS5/Xbox whatever they run extremely poorly. I also don’t agree that consoles are “fairly mid-range by PC standards”. They were closer on release than

Oh my god I hadn’t clocked that.

Why destroy everyone’s opinion of what you’re saying by mentioning you think Prometheus was well-written, when it was possibly the most clownshoes SF movie of the decade?

Really? I think most games have pretty decent reviews overall. You quickly spot the useful ones and the only place it goes wrong is where a game drastically changes quality after patches.