
Uh, this is an example of entirely good faith reviews and also no, Steam should not do that.

Arkham Knight was a wild outlier back then but sadly it seems it's almost the norm now.

What’s weird is for a while this wasn’t a major issue on PC. With most PS3 and PS4 era simultaneous releases, the PC version was usually just fine, sometimes the best version. It’s only been in the PS5 era that were suddenly getting tons of horrible PC versions on simultaneous releases.

D1 and D2 play pretty similarly. D3 has a huge change from D2.

I dunno about that, Sneed.

You keep saying “as it turns out” but didn’t link anything, I take it you’re saying it has been officially confirmed that it unlocks part-way through the first campaign as one might expect?

Really? I am absolutely HATING them. Ugh. It looks like they took a Disney movie and applied a couple of cheap Photoshop filters to it - edge enhancement and yes some kind of coloured pencil filter. I guess I’m glad somebody likes it.

... The Steam Deck can also do that.

I mean, no? She’s just playing desperation after desperation move.

but from things like Luc Besson’s space operas, Guardians of the Galaxy, or prequel era Star Wars. Like we’re forgoing ornamentation, so you should treat this as a serious genre movie.”

Hopefully that’s right but I’m kind of suspect that whatever the wording, the article is correct.

I mean, I think here, from the trailer, it looks like a pretty direct adaption of the books. So direct, in fact that when I saw the first trailer, I had no idea the series of books was called “Silo”, I thought of it as the “Wool” series, and I was like, holy shit is this another name for Wool, it looks exactly like

Absolutely amazing. I have to go watch that.

It’s multiplayer, sadly. A single-player Payday would at least have a selling point. The gameplay video is very misleading because it includes slow-mo and even fast-forward, which would normally only be in single-player games.

It’s certainly true that some good games, especially indie games, don’t get discussed much - and not just not on social media, but at all.

That’s just a few examples.”

That’s my experience too. I’ve flown budget, mid-range (I think that’s the same as “legacy” here - Delta, United, American, etc.) and luxury and it’s been the mid-range one where the most entitled and shitty people, the people most willing to make a scene are, and it’s also those carriers where the staff seem to be

I think you’re a little bit wrong?

United are absolute useless idiots on seats. A drunk Australian took my extended-leg-room seat on a United flight (he was about 5'4" as well the tiny wanker - I’m 6'2" with long legs), but the flight attendant decided it would be too much trouble to try and get this lairy drunk little man to move (they shouldn’t even

That’s right. The way we resolve things nowadays is by firing a 9mm pistol with an extended mag from inside of an oversized SUV containing our entire family at another man doing the same.