
I had the exact same question. This episode had several weird narrative leaps which smacked of [SCENE DELETED] or at least [LINE DELETED], and they’d clearly deviated hard from the storyboards (the cruiser doesn’t crash into the base in those, it’s destroyed in orbit and Woves escapes differently), so I wonder what

I’m not sure this episode was much less “sloppy”.

Now playing

It’s probably regional-blocking because Youtube no longer consistently say “This video is not available in your region” - some videos just get “unavailable”.

She is still an Illyrian.

Scoundrels of Brixton!

There is that, but I think what’s particularly an issue here is that Majors hired a lawyer who basically decided to do their own PR stuff, presumably without involving his actual PR team, and at that point, you probably don’t want to be involved with that client.

Exactly right, Lorem.

No. You do not want a “shady” or “mean” or “slimy” lawyer, and no, they aren’t the same as “badass”, that’s media bullshit.

I’m sorry buddy, that’s racist nonsense from the 1990s. Japan isn’t that kind of culture, and never was outside the minds of Westerners obsessed with making Japan seem as alien and scary as possible.

It’s still utterly psychotic, and the punishment very definitely does not fit the crime. Nor does this improve or protect society in any way at all. This is purely vindictive and he’s being punished far more severely than countless criminals who have committed crimes many, many times worse.

Wonder if he can declare bankruptcy over it”

“ For the sake of argument, say that everything you claim about the Jedi being screw-up idiots is correct; is outright cultural extermination and genocide an appropriate thematic comeuppance for these sins? There’s just such a striking lack of compassion in your words for a group of characters who were even at worst

Yeah, now I think about it, it would - but I was envisioning a show that pro-US, rather than a critique.

There are less skilled, less imaginative, even more offensive comics writers than Millar, yet somehow the combination of his talents is uniquely off-putting, I have to agree.

That actually made me say “What the fuck?!” out loud despite anticipating a bad accent and no doubt having seen that cartoon when I was a kid.

I think it’s pretty principled not to give in to the urge to do that, it’s not like there’s any shortage of other entertainment, and failing that if a show is only good, I don’t know that it’s worth the hassle of signing up, remembering to cancel, and so on. Especially if the service that carries the show is in some

Unfortunately I don’t - my guess would be somewhere in the dialogue on the Suicide Mission itself. At the time I was talking to other ME2 hypernerds so we’d all played it recently - I need to actually go through the LE - I finished ME1 in LE but barely started ME2.

I mean, if this show is about Georgiou hunting down and executing enough members of Section 31 to ensure that future comes about I’m all for it.

Yes. And that IS detailed in-game, even if the wiki is choosing to source it from somewhere else. I know because I have posts where I’m talking about it from 2010, so before that article even came out. Also because I’ve played ME2 over eight times lol.

“The point of a tragedy is not to say “look at the idiocy of this person/group and how it led to their downfall”, it’s to say “look at these fundamentally good people who were undone by forces beyond their control”.”