
“I did not suggest that JK Rowling has done nothing wrong, or that she has not caused harm to people who are trans.”

You’re not wrong. What’s particularly weird is that there’s huge generational divide. Basically it’s Gen X (but not Xennials, note) vs. all younger generations, with Boomers mostly just confused about the issue (even some Conservative Boomer politicians/ex-politicians are at least neutral or unactive on the

We already kind of had that study thanks to 9/11 and the brainworms it gave a certain kind of SF or comics writer. Most of whom never recovered (though bizarrely Frank Miller did, albeit only to his pre-9/11 which is still very... Frank Miller). It was noticeable that in most cases, they already has some tics

Most modern Lovecraft-inspired works engage with the racism and broad fear of difference of Lovecraft. It’s weird that you know they exist but don’t know that.

“I never said or meant this: “I must obey all property laws no matter the human consequences”.”

Also, aggressively arguing without engaging in a dialogue is unlikely to convince people of your arguments”

I’d also disagree that she is going out of her way to make the lives of a minority worse on purpose for the sake of it.”

Stealing isn’t claiming ownership you thick bastard. If you can’t see the difference, then that’s on your own lack of comprehension and nothing else. I swear they get dimmer by the day.

You wouldn’t steal a car.

If you think pirating a videogame makes you “worse” than a bigot using a bully pulpit to spread hate against millions of people, you’re fucked in the head, and should seek help, frankly. Either that or you’re about 12.

Not just the transphobia, but the racism and sexism inherent to Rowling’s neo-liberal “fuck you got mine” mindset.”

And no employer in their right mind will explain in detail why an employee was let go short of criminality. It’s a massive lawsuit risk. Certainly no corporate employer will.

Yeah I can definitely see liking both! But saying cut Ahsoka for more Expanse is pretty silly to me.

Yeah I’d absolutely go with Starkiller as a Mary Sue - that’s much more like it.

You’re an arrogant and self-important little SOB aren’t you?

Examples of these mythical companies using “live CGI” scenes. Video appreciated.

The best you can do is to try and change things for the better from the inside”

You might be surprised how many people get into this field of work because of their passion for cinema and VFX.”

But the fact of the matter is that the arts has never been a stable career.”