
That’s not what he said, though:

Ahhh Expanse fans, I forgot you guys on the list of terrible fans, but you're showing why you should make the cut here, coming to randomly take a giant shit on another show.

Christ yes, good example.

Have Star Wars fans overtaken Star Trek fans as the worst, most annoying fanbase in all of media?”

So close.

He’s much more aggressive in censoring anyone who he doesn’t like than Twitter was, particularly other businesses, and every bit as compliant with censorship requests from outside the US as Twitter previously was.

Mark 6 helmet best helmet.

Dude, don’t become a sweaty nerd in your struggles to be a junior leftist.

Yup. The idea that Disney need to “get selective” is a profound category-error level misunderstanding of what’s going on here.

ROFL what trick? Writing an episode you don’t like isn’t tricking you, you actual lunatic. The episode would actually have been getting less moronic criticism without the cameos.

Feats that you can’t generally access until L4 and then only at the cost of having your primary attribute 2 points lower. And at that point you’ll get one level 1 healing spell which will be largely irrelevant.

You put a lot more thought and time into this article than either of the writers put into the writing, is what I think.”

It’s amazing how humourless and po-faced some Star Wars fans are, even after somehow surviving the prequel trilogy, countless twee episodes of Clone Wars, and so on.

Originally they weren’t that way.... Droids that were truly sentient were accidental spontaneous creations.”

For this show?

I think that was just a really simple misdirect, rather than some cunning and sweeping script change. Red herrings in a mystery aren’t exactly a novel concept.

Yeah whilst I don’t think the episode was very smart, I did the think the point about them keeping old droids in service rather than de facto murdering them like happens in most of the galaxy as an interesting one.

I really think this is a perfect example of “thinking too hard about something that’s just dumb”.

Upon seeing the title I said “More Xenk!”

Magic-user is the old-school term for a Wizard specifically, not for any class which uses magic.