
God forbid someone speak relatively naturally and slightly mix implied metaphors in the process. Call the word police.

I remember Davison’s comment and I was think “I’m not sure anyone should be idolizing the Doctor!”. I guess there are much worse role models but hmmmmm. I did grow up in the Davison/Baker/McCoy era in the ‘80s though and particularly with the latter two that’s when oldWho was a bit darker (I also obviously saw a lot

What on earth?

Oh god it’s those guys. I’ve literally never been able to sit through the whole of any of their movies. I think my record is about 60% of the way through one of the Despicable movies.

How you going to get something brewing if you don’t start it yourself?

The trouble is, the FR hasn’t really had a strong personality under WotC.

The UK’s surveillance isn’t much more direct than major US cities. That’s a misperception that’s down to media portrayals of the UK. London has a lot of security cameras but not the most in the world as people love to inaccurately claim as a fact (China is easily winning that - and large cities in India and the Middle

If you have less crime in your country, for whatever reason (including both bad and good reasons), the government will have less reason to seek information that could be considered private.”

LOL come the fuck on. Why pretend something easily demonstrated to be true isn’t true? This isn’t Twitter.

I mean, I think it looks great, but I think it’s clearly aimed at a younger audience, right down to the way it’s shot and the colour choices, and the dialogue.

I mean, given the age of the character/actor I’d expect Monster Hunter was the ref rather than FFVII though could be. He certainly held it like the Buster Sword (FFVII).

And as we know, Batman is a fascist!

Call me the tone police, but you’re using TERF-looking lines here:

Replying to myself but here’s a good example of how demented the US is when it comes to surveillance:

Having lived in the UK and spent a lot of time in the US (as well as being married to an American) I’m well aware. The rate of child death in the US is particularly shocking. And yeah the healthy food prices are absolutely insane - my wife’s over there ATM and she was commenting on that. If you want cheap food it has

you have to assume these people wouldn’t tarnish their reputations by signing up for some cookie cutter spy-fi show”

Never doubt the ability of MCU fans to delude themselves, I guess. Especially if you can make a misleading claim about the writer - he wrote ONE episode of Berlin Station, and one episode each in the two good seasons of Mr Robot (before it became a mess).

Great cast but looks like a mediocre-to-bad spy drama with superpowers in an era of excellent spy dramas.

“All the west appears capable of is provoke escalate, divide and conquer.”

That’s not entirely true - Singapore is on this list - that’s a totalitarian regime, virtually a dictatorship, yet they do make requests - and they make significantly fewer than the US, despite sometimes being described as a “police state” and having police who more aggressively investigate crime than anywhere in the