
It is a bit weird. Two of my friends are genuinely full-on “Highlander fans” (yeah we are all over 40 why do you ask lol), they’ve seen all the movies and have opinions on them, seen the TV show and the spin off (indeed the DVDs of the TV show pass back and forth between them semi-regularly) and if you asked them to

Oh I think there will be change - the legislation will get revoked and whoever does (probably DeSantis, that slimy piece of shit) will be hugely popular.

Yeah - and it will fail. Current breathalyzers tend to last 1-2 years before needing replacement (either entirely or parts). Delivery drivers are going to get absolutely turbo-fucked by this, because they’re going to see regular failures - probably more outright devices stopping working than false positives - and if

That’s only for people 21 and older. If you’re younger than 21, some states are zero-tolerance, and other states flag you if you blow above .02.”

They’re not unfounded given the way the US and specific states tend to take a mediocre to bad idea and run all the way down the field into the ULTRA TERRIBLE DISASTER ZONE so they can score a truly horrible idea touchdown. This is the US we’re talking about, not a sane country.

but if the cost was trivial and the accuracy were 100% it would be hard to argue against it”.

You can’t “detect false positives”, that’s what makes them false positives.

Although there will undoutedly be functioning acoholics that try to game the system, this will help stop deluded people who think they “got this” from driving impaired.”

In regards to false positives, the amount of the substances you’d have to consume to blow a false positive is usually far in excess of what any normal person would consume.”

Not ones that operate remotely like this. And the existing ones are both:

Seatbelts can be defeated exceedingly easy. I genuinely hope you don’t need me to prove to you that they’re largely used properly and are effective at reducing harm.”

It looks fairly dismal to me. You’re right that the jokes don’t land, and there loads of other issues. Like, what possible audience is this aimed at? It seems like there will be literally three people on the planet who will adore this, and everyone else will just forget it ever existed minutes later. And the visual

I think more people care about the TV series than the movie, at this point, if that’s the issue. Certainly no-one cares about any movie after the first.

The TV series was huge fun for an early-90s action-adventure show. Hell, it even got a (not very good) spin-off.

I know people who care about Highland continuity - but only the continuity of the TV series. I don’t think anyone at all cares about the continuity of the movies.

The TV series is the way to go, lore-wise. The mythology made a lot more sense, and the world has a ton more potential.

God forbid Kotaku do pieces in a format they’ve been doing for 10+ years.

I’d second all of this, as someone who play thousands of hours of D2:LoD ladders and so on.

I’d argue this is standard Diablo.”

Pretty much exactly how I felt, class-wise. I really hope the Druid picks up later, because the effectiveness disparity between them and the Rogue/Sorcerer/Necro was much larger than I’d hoped.