
I mean, that’s the Doylist explanation.

I would completely grant that history tells us that the meek, so to speak, tend to be those that most reliably survive the relatively short apocolyptic conditions we’ve faced historically. I’m just not entirely sure that these precedents are relevant to the protracted apocalyptic conditions portrayed in these

“I think it’s rather well understood that even neurotypical humans have the capacity to engage in extraordinary violence (even cruelty) without being overtly crippled emotionally or psychologically by it.”

No, Ellie did.

I was coming here to say “So this is the ‘bag of dicks’ we’ve been hearing so much about”.

I kind of believe her, but only because she grew up in a very hippy-ish upper-middle-class subculture in California, and I absolute knew kids who grew up in similar subcultures and had genuinely never eaten a burger at, say, 19, and were already into weird diet stuff so could probably make it to 39 (her age) without

I think what needs to be recognised the US society (specifically, not so much the West in general) had a huge, gigantic increase in xenophobia from post-9/11 stuff, and particularly kids growing up over the ‘00s watching adults IRL and on TV/news constantly engage in demented xenophobia (I only hesitate to say

They could be going to draw a connection to both groups via a third, presumably earlier/historical group with Watch in the name/purpose. That would certainly make sense of both of their names. It might also explain their animosity if they’ve got very different takes even if coming from similar initial principles.

As Lindelof is only EPing rather than showrunning or writing I will definitely be waiting on reviews for this despite Betty Gilpin. It’s possible the writer will turn out to be good the way Lindelof shocked the hell out of everyone with The Leftovers and Watchmen, but I’m not counting on it.

<3 U

Yeah it’s downright weird that they actually bothered to share the script. People routinely spoil entirely Marvel movies on their, plot-wise, in huge detail, and usually a largely-accurate synopsis of the entire plot (including any twists) will land there 12-18 months before the relevant movie comes out (the one for

It’s not just you. The AV Club pretty consistently sides that way.

Rude person is angry that celebrity was also rude.

I mean, you act like no-one has ever accidentally picked the wrong kids, and it’s definitely happened.

I mean ACAB and all that, and definitely some % of cops do dream of the day they get to cap someone, but I’m not sure most do, given how many go their entire careers without ever even firing at someone (the vast majority, last I heard). In fact this actually points to an ACAB fact which is that the shootings that do

There is considerable crossover with mental illness, particularly schizophrenia and bipolar or the like.

Well, with respect, the other way it moves is if a police officer moves it from the body after the guy dies.

I hear a Na’vi dies every time someone watches it on a phone screen so that’s probably going to be a more effective blue cat person genocide than anything the bad guys in the movies tried.

I don’t want to spoil anything but whilst it doesn’t necessarily have any hard genre elements, it certainly has a lot of genre trappings. So it’s at least adjacent, and plenty of adjacent stuff makes it on here.

I briefly missed that it was animated and was thinking “Joe Lo Truglio is a painfully perfect casting for Barney...” - I mean he’ll be great on voice as well but...