You never eat anything that’s been in the freezer for two weeks or anything that’s been canned?
As an athiest, I take exception to your claim that we all have souls. But keep living the dream.
Not in the least.
I really, really hope Trump responds. Or dies. Whatever.
Yup. Another “respect the flag/troops” cheerleader who used his privilege to dodge the draft when it was his turn to “step up.” Just like the current occupant of the White House.
Fuck the NFL, fuck Jerry Jones, fuck Pence, fuck Trump, and fuck every coward trying to pretend this protest is about anything other than systemic racism.
I love football- much of my life in the fall is covering high school and college football- but I would be content with it dropping off the face of the Earth. Too many traumatic injuries at all levels, and most of the people in charge of the highest level are absolute scum.
Highly unlikely to happen, but would love to see the entire Dallas Cowboys roster take a knee next week, just to see if Jerry Jones has any strength to his convictions and is willing to sack them all and play with scrubs.
Whoa whoa. You’re telling me that white people in charge of young black men and also profit massively from these black men’s talents would change the rules and not say anything? And then use the revised rule as a way of punishing said black men for going against the wishes of their white employers? In America?
Take that a step further. Even if you DO stand in your living room with your hand over your year heart, even if you spent your whole life fighting for this country and its freedoms, even if you did all that, if you don’t get that among the freedoms you were defending were actions JUST LIKE what NFL players are doing…
Real Patriots™stand and knit an American flag using a pair of AR15's in place of needles with cotton they grew in their own back yard while reciting the Declaration AND singing along to the national anthem at the same time while surrounded by portraits of White Jesus!
There are rules, Mosca! If you’re in public and the anthem plays, you drop everything and stand. Unless you see that the beer line finally cleared up, and this is your best time to grab a cold one. Then you get that ice cold refreshment that only Budweiser can provide. I believe they still have the flag on the bottle,…
I am shocked that the NRA would use a dog whistle ad campaign using jingoistic propaganda to exploit white anger and make money.
I think that also means we can’t hate dickfaces anymore because we now have one as president.
My favourite.
Good for J.T. It’s about time some right wingers started protesting.
“Second City” has nothing to do with New York and was actually coined to define the rebuilt city after the Great Chicago Fire, which destroyed a third of the city, displaced 100,000 residents, burnt 17,000 buildings to the ground, killed 300 people and cost almost $4 Billion in todays dollars.
There have got to be better ways of making money than a weeks long effort to get your ass beat by one of the largest men on Earth.