You are definitely a bigger asshole than the guy who wished your team luck this year.
You are definitely a bigger asshole than the guy who wished your team luck this year.
I watched my grandmother slowly deteriorate from and ultimately succumb to MS. It is a terrible disease. I wish Bryan and his family the best, and I hope that there’s a cure in his future.
I hope all the assholes that bagged in him for his drop in production feel like real pricks now.
And yet Kaepernick doesn’t have a job. Regardless about the politics, any teams with issues with their QB really shot themselves in the dick. Kaepernick can play far better than Glennon, probably on a cheaper contract and not screw the pooch this many times in a single game.
A Facebook “friend” of mine just posted a picture of himself with an American flag in the style of his favorite team (which sucks). He’s also a huge “respect the flag” guy. So I asked him about it, and of course he had a very reasonable response. Oh wait, he just called me a libtard and deleted me.
Look, I work hard 6 days a week. Can’t I have a Sunday free of prayer?
Trump responded that he had heard the comments from Laraque, and that he cannot wait to “bomb the shit out of Laraque and all the Laraquis living there to prove a point.”
Hockey fan here, and yes I want politics in my sport. Check out how the Flyers fans booed Sarah Palin after their beloved owner tried to foist her on them.
Trump will want to spend a few minutes alone with Malkin.
The ‘sons of bitches’ being referenced were the black athletes protesting. It’s not hard to figure out what Trump meant. And he called these outspoken black athletes ‘sons of bitches’ in front of an entirely white crowd in Alabama. The anger on the part of Laraques and others is 100% obvious and justified.
So clearly folks who don’t want politics injected into sports (STICK TO SPORTS!) will be more than happy to support a decision to stop playing the National ANthem at sporting events and stop visiting the President no matter what? Right? RIGHT??
It’s funny how sports fans who say they don’t want politics in their sports also want to preserve the national anthem as a show of patriotism.
People seemed more outraged when Fox tried that glowing puck effect.
Remember, this is the only appropriate way to act during the national anthem.
I took a few minutes to try to comprise a witty and perhaps insightful comment to this, but honestly, I’m just so happy this is happening in the MLB now.
Seriously, anybody who uses “patriotism” as an excuse for suppressing somebody else’s right to peacefully protest can get fucked, including our current…
About damn time.
EDIT: Oh, and here’s a Twitter thread for all y’all “hurr durr he’s disrespecting the flag!” folks. If you’re not one of these people, send it to someone that is.