Lex Talionis

Chocolate stouts?

Take this with a grain of salt? I’m kinky but that’s a bridge too far.

Plenty of racists in Oregon and all, but i have a hard time believing this guy never had it explained to him before why racism is bad in fucking Portland...

Again with that “Have an open conversation” shit...

In Indiana, you can’t buy a car on a Sunday. In the same vein as how you can’t buy carry-out beer on Sunday. Because GOD. Or something.

Easy: Front plate requirement. Ohio, requires it. Michigan (and damn near everyone else), not so much.

Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.

sounds like he pissed that he spent an arm and a leg on his rig, and now anyone with 500 nucks can have what he spent $2000 on... so yeah, hes a child

I think realizing you dont have $500 to spend on a console isnt being entitled. I dont know what you are basing your anger on. I think you might be puting tone into the “too expensive” argument by yourself.

What an amazing woman. I’m crushing hard right now. I hope she has a full recovery and is honoured as the hero she is.

Like hating gays before you kid becomes one.

I think the folks who don’t think this will change anything regarding this views are more than likely right, but we can still hope...

There are 1000s of mines in the Mountain West. I made a good living as a maintenance journeyman/millwright at one in the Mojave Desert.

Respectfully, fans, as a rule, don’t make mortgage payments for you, or pay for your kids’ college, or keep your retirement fund flush for when you decide you don’t want to do your job anymore. Better pay does. Residuals do.

To me it says the money is more important than the fans who fell in love with you for your work

So how would you suggest that the union members fight for what should be rightfully theirs?

Maybe we consumers need to take a stand and boycott products made by scabs.

Shooting yourself in the foot is continuing to work a job that isn’t providing the pay/benefits you need.

Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?

“Yeah, no, I’d rather not have potheads building my subs.”