Lex Talionis

The literal purpose of “throw behind” is to “throw behind” a player. How is a pitcher trying to hurt someone (not talking about right or wrong here, just talking about attempt to injure) by throwing 1' in front of them as opposed to 1' behind them?

You think throwing behind a batter is trying to injure them?

Dear everyone that Hate’s the White Sox:

Unless this was formerly John Voight’s car, then I’ll pass.

That’s a pretty silly statement.

Come on, you really think new vehicles don’t start having major issues at 5-7yrs?


From the article - “While the average age of cars on the road overall has grown to well beyond a decade, among new car buyers, people are getting rid of their cars after 7.3 years on average—one to two years after they’ve paid them off,” said iSeeCars.com CEO Phong Ly.

He’s so Southwest Suburbs it hurts.

You must be fun at parties.

Freddy hardest hit.

40mph might be ok for ohio or indianna, where there’s towns every 10 miles or so. but wait till you get to kansas.

I’ve always found the White Sox more interesting than the Cubs. Your WS run was more fun to watch (the Indians were totally the underdogs/good guys in that series last year).

This is also the criteria for Bark At The Park. The Sox are just combining baseball operations and stadium operations now.

...the value of a catcher who sits well speaks for itself.

I’d rather have better roads, bridges that won’t fall down any time soon, rail systems that work and educational funding in place to get us all educated so we can keep up with the rest of the world.

We could easily transfer that budget to engineering firms focused on infrastructure, and schools where teachers earn a good living, and get the same result.

As I recall, this is why the Army is drowning in M1s they don’t need, don’t want and have explicitly said “stop it with the goddamned tanks!”.

There’s this whole strength in numbers and organization thing...ah nevermind.