Same. “Sox Park” just rolls off the tongue better. Simple and there’s really no room for horrifying mistakes (“I’m gonna go down to Guaranteed Rape... I MEAN RATE... Field. Oh, god...”)
Same. “Sox Park” just rolls off the tongue better. Simple and there’s really no room for horrifying mistakes (“I’m gonna go down to Guaranteed Rape... I MEAN RATE... Field. Oh, god...”)
As a fellow life long Sox fan who attends this park frequently, I also refer to it as that. Calling the park a cell phone company name that didn’t even offer service in the Chicago area never seemed right and while I may type the words Guaranteed Rate, I will never speak them.
How are you at lifting large, human-shaped Cheetos?
The cops are assholes for sure, but a lot of blame needs to be put on Blake Murphy too. She says she didn’t mean for any of this to happen and that she didn’t mean to racially profile Mr. Crosby. And then to follow the car and the police to the scene of the incident WTF was she thinking would happen?!
damn, i applaud your integrity but your workplace’s union should be ashamed that management would be disappointed at their lack of political organizing (im assuming you’re management, no offense either way). like, that’s when you really know they’ve gone off the rails.
Your heart is in the right place, but this is factually incorrect. Walker (and the Legislature) stuck it every public employee union except police and firefighters. While this was tough to swallow for many of the anti-labor purists who wanted no exemptions, it was also a cynical political move that betrayed what Act…
So by “modest success” you really mean “less failure,” and your proof of the white house success is an article on the white house’s website. A few weeks before the election, no less. I’m sure there’s no bias though...
I manage a Union workforce of 120+/-, and I was stunned at the lack of lobbying by their shop steward. This strikes me as extremely negligent, and I have to believe that this isn’t the only place its happened.
If peoplewould just bother to educate themselves. Trump refuses to reconize the union workers at his Las Vegas hotel.
We saw this happen in WI; Walker took a bat to the knees of police unions, and yet even while protesting, the majority of police officers *still voted for him.* And this was a good four or five years ago. The way Walker has obviously, economically fleeced his state over and over again and yet gotten re-elected is one…
Nothing about this election made me angrier than the union rank and file support for Trump. Even people in public sector units in fucking Massachusetts voted for Trump even though his first order of business will be to find the justice who will cast the deciding vote in the sequel to Frederichs. It’s not just…
Health care premiums never went up before Obamacare, of course.
MO too. Also voted in a governor that will enact Right to Work legislation after our current governor had been vetoing it. Now I’m seeing the same people that I know voted for Trump/Greitens pushing petitions for protecting unions. So frustrating.
Unions do not need to have short sighted protectionist policies. What unions stand for can be much bigger if union membership is much bigger.
Modest success: raising taxes on the wealthy (relative to Republican positions); overtime rule; and by last year, US incomes were rising in a (relatively) encouraging way:
Here’s two things the Obama administration did (or that is to say, happened under them since we have our checks and balances and whatnot): raised the top marginal tax rates for the rich (not as high as they should be, but progress is progress), and implemented Obamacare (medical expenses are a leading driver of…
On the upside, we can all take comfort in the fact that as their lives — and just about everyone else’s — get demonstrably worse, they will hold Hillary Clinton, Obama and brown people responsible while apportioning no blame to Trump (or themselves) whatsoever.
Chickens voting for Colonel Sanders, etc. etc. Mind-boggling.
Those data go up until 2010, so this doesn’t really say anything about Obama.