“Well, this isn’t hauntingly familiar or anything,” says my (late) German Jewish grandfather who served in the German military and, then, didn’t.
Apparently even willing to die for this country isn’t good enough for the Trump administration.
Yup. Gotta have that “woman-with-a-toddler” shield.
If they want these people to assimilate more why don’t they offer free schooling for the whole families. Language courses, Civics courses and perhaps job/technical training for adults and teens? These seem like better things to help assimilation and economic independence for people. Breaking language barriers and…
So, in a recap, the creepy in human troll Steven Miller happily says the zero-tolerance policy was put in place as a deterrent. Then, Jeff Sessions uses the bible to justify the policy which Trump will, soon enough, start calling “democrat policy” tho “it could end in an hour if you give me my wall”.
Some people will do anything for family.
Calling someone low IQ followed by ‘to many’.
Clinton didn’t ever apologize to Lewinsky directly, but that’s beside the point.
Also using both the first and third person in a single sentence - is this a new thing he’s doing now?
It reminds me of the early 2000s when Paris Hilton was a thing and we heard about her every breath of air. I was working for a national media company at the time, and one of the things we put out every day was an entertainment news roundup. It was always full of Paris Hilton, even when she hadn’t done anything.
Next up: BAN SCHOOLS! Can’t get shot in a classroom if there’s no classroom. Checkmate, libs...
Thank you, there’s a disturbing lack of buster in here.
I made the mistake (?) of googling fibroid removal after some obscure reference mentioned her volleyball-sized fibroid being removed. They are some strange looking things on their own, and I imagine a uterus full would look like a bag of various sized roundish fruit. I am glad you finally got to hallelooo! :)
I diagnose her with a case of batshit
Yes, lets announce the time and place a high level government official is landing. What could go wrong?
I love Martha and pretty much exclusively watch the Food Network so this is the best news ever for me.