The obvious comparison that nobody (including the dev) mentioned is Hagane, one of the best SNES games.
The obvious comparison that nobody (including the dev) mentioned is Hagane, one of the best SNES games.
Yeah, I don’t get that impression at all.
I personally am not a fan but when every post in regards to his movies have the same tone it gets dry.
The Chris Pratt jokes are kind of lame. You guys should really get over yourselves.
Charles Martinet was right there
The confederate flag should be treated in the US like the Nazi flag is in Germany.
Hey Yoyo, this is Brandon from Swordsfall.
You absolutely CAN and SHOULD play this! The thing I like for white gamers to think about is that statement and sentiment.
Now think about how PoC gamers are at every game? How many core books are wall to wall with light faces? Yet, we play them. We make white characters. We…
Serious question: Im a 29 yr old white male. Should I play this? If so, does my character have to be white as well? Should I not play at all because it’s not aimed toward my demographic? I really like the art style and can see my self imagining tons of awesome people within that world. Thank you.
Like many of you, I’ve been making my way through The X-Files over the last several months in anticipation of the…