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    Just so ya know the person named in Roe v Wade is even against it now. While I do still believe an elective abortion should be a choice up to a reasonable time period but at the end of the day I believe like most matters like this it will defer to the states under Amendment 10. Ergo abortion becomes a states rights

    Judges cannot overturn a law. Same sex marriage was argued on 1st and 14th Amendment grounds. Believe it or not the mindset of conservatives by and large isn’t on gay marriage anymore. I don’t see SSM being overturned by a conservative court. At worst they’ll normalize people like Kim Davis and simply not require the

    Keep in mind, this was done under the Obama administration as well as part of a law to defend against child trafficking which is a very real and very major problem in nations south of our border. Trump has actually corrected that and is working to put them in more comfortable confines; but being a child immigrant does

    Unions protect bad employees because that’s their job. It’s generally very, very hard, if not impossible, to fire a teacher who has tenure and just doesn’t give a rip anymore. They know they can’t be fired.

    Unions should be crippled to some extent, including the police union. As for the Muslim travel ban, it’s just

    And yet Democrats were largely against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Check the voting record. The majority of the “nay” votes were Democrats. Shocked the hell out of me. I doubt their attitude was any better in 1955.

    It is undemocratic and rightfully so considering we are a Republic, not a democracy. We happen to use the democratic process for a majority of our offices but not all of them.

    As you’ve noticed the public is largely illiterate but on top of that the majority of the public is concentrated in a handful of cities that

    We are free to change that. Propose an Amendment to your representatives. But keep in mind the US Constitution has only been amended 17 times in 240 years , and the most recent one was written by Jefferson himself and ratified in the 90's regarding congressional pay.

    In short, it is a monumental task. However, to add

    Tarnished brass because he doesn’t go with a liberal bias in all of his rulings, ya? I know it’s hard to accept but the Democrat way is not the correct way 100% of the time.

    Your minimum wage is $10.55 an hour. Your taxes, including GST, are significantly higher. Your free health care system is apparently in need of more doctors because of the restrictions placed on them by the state. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against free access to medical care but the fact your doctors are abandoning

    Your version of it anyway. And that’s a good thing.

    Do keep in mind the SCOTUS recently ruled the state of South Dakota can collect taxes from Wayfair even though Wayfair does not have a significant presence or nexus in the state. This is good news for Democrats as even Ruth sided with that ruling.

    The reason why this is a good thing is because the GOP is generally

    No doubt it is hypocrisy but to be fair there is PLENTY of hypocrisy via the left. Kinda what lost y’all the election and why this blue wave doesn’t seem to be happening. Lots of us left leaning folk left the party as it’s gone too far left and too drunk on social justice for any sort of rational, objective thought.

    What is it with Democrats and assaulting people they don’t approve of? I mean... that’s actually kinda fascist. Which is ironic.

    It’s obvious they’re more interested in going against Roe v Wade (even the person named in the ruling is now against it, ironically) However, as a gay man myself I’m not concerned. The vast majority of the public isn’t interested in discriminating against gays. Merely small mom and pop shops that will serve gays,

    “Everyone I dissaprove of is a Nazi!” Yeah, that rhetoric is why someone like Trump got elected. The left shifted too far left, this is a reaction to that with more attitudes shifting toward the right to counter the left’s extremism.

    Get your state issued ID in order BEFORE an election and you’ll be fine. We know blacks are intelligent enough to secure state ID in order to vote prior to an election. Nor are they so poor that they cannot afford one. If not, talk to the welfare office. That’s how my mom would get her ID for a mere $5. If you’re too

    I disagree. Your logic suggests that a bad game drags Valve’s name in the mud similar to a retail store carrying bad some shoddy product along with the good stuff.

    It’s only a problem for those who do not do their research. Besides, allowing major publishers to dictate what does and does not get published is too much power. It’s allowed for nonsense like revisionist history to be published in textbooks.

    The problem is people cannot take criticism. These developers feel they are entitled to only constructive criticism. That’s not how the world works nor should it. This “safe space” SJW mentality that imposes the view of criticism = harassment is becoming more and more of a problem in our society. Politeness cannot be

    I enjoy it too but for the opposite reasons. It’s great to see these crypto companies wind up frustrated after the latest “uncrackable” technology is indeed cracked.

    I’d also argue that publishers are the scourge on the economy of video games. The publisher takes roughly 85% of the gross earnings while the remaining