I wonder why they changed Hel to Hela, but left the other norse god’s names the same.
I wonder why they changed Hel to Hela, but left the other norse god’s names the same.
I main Sonic! Weeeeeeeee!
Guys, easy on this poor guy, first couple times I saw ‘Ranked’ articles I didn’t realize they were jokes either, until I saw another article explaining they are jokes. That was ages ago, and not like it says every time “Hey this is a joke.”
Yeah, it really, REALLY needs to have the title of the game clearly legible, preferably with a related image to give it some style. Having to scroll over to it to remember what game it is is silly, as my collection grows. And yeah, I want to fill my switch with quality games, I try to avoid the shovelware, good icons…
*Kaya WAAH Shrine*
Prince of Persia was awesome, it’s always my go to excuse when a new video game movie is coming. Like, “Well, PoP was good, so there’s hope for this!”
I squish my GFs head all the time in this manner, she HATES it even though it’s such a dumb thing, lol.
Superior UI? Graphical UI sure, but buttons are still more precise than any motion/touch controls, no?
I’d play the shit out of Metroid+Rabbids.
“We saw how carefully Nintendo managed their characters, so we teamed up with Hooters.” - Sega logic
Hell, I feel ya even without kids. I was hard core into all things Blizzard, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, WoW, Diablo, etc, all these games with their incentives to keep you playing, and yet never ever actually reach that blissful state of ‘completion’. I realized, although I liked the games, never actually…
Need this so bad, please come west!
Err, obviously I only know what’s written here, but if you turn down on offer, than that’s it, no second chances. If a guy had turned it down, no one would bat an eye. Equality also means equal reaction. If the guys’ invites were just as casual, but they jumped on it, and the women happened not too, tough; However, If…
I don’t see it as that impressive at all honestly. On the one hand, it’s clearly not a valid run, on the other it may just be a tool that leads to new discoveries and faster real runs, but it’s not nearly as cool as finding it for ourselves, IMO.
He got invited out to play it? Welp, guess it’s time for me to make a youtube account called RaymanSmashBro... and then I wait.
First shot looks like Destiny, if it had tigers instead of sparrows... That’d be sweet.
My first thought is why not just write like RED on the card?
I love how we can be all be PC, offended, and stuck up when out and about, but then we secretly go home and enjoy the satire of South Park.
I donno man, you can make me the tastiest meal in the world, but when you spit in it, I still don’t want to eat it...
Meh, I’ll wait for the ‘Knack II & Knuckles’ version.