
Oooo, now do baseball, Minnesota Doduo?

Good thoughts! I can expand on that:

That last sentence is really interesting. Seems like it’s become mandatory for third parties to jump ship from Nintendo consoles as soon as they are certain the ol’ cycle is in place, of people only buying Nintendo games, then getting everything else on PS/Xbox. I don’t know the details behind Ubisoft’s deal with

See, and this here folks is the problem, this butt hurt ButtholeMagician is completely ignorant on the topic and has no clue what he’s talking about; I feel sorry for him, it’s just sad.

Also it’s full of rampant hardcore cheating... so there’s that....

Loved Pokemon Conquest, but for a spin off it was a little too grindy. Beat the story, then put tons of hours trying to get just the right conditions needed for evolutions and legendaries to have the right team, don’t think I even came close, lol

Doesn’t seem to far fetched. I mean the series has had artillery for ages in the form of cannons, and as you mentioned he shoots fireballs, why not essentially shoot fast fireballs? Plus, not like he hasn’t ever been shot with lasers by Fox, Samus, and co.

Have a friend with thumb print laptop; in the group of us sitting around with him one day talking about it, 3 of the 5 of us could unlock it with our thumbs... That type of thing is just not reliable.

Maybe then, now though I think maybe the pixelated graphics of the original DS might be too much of an eye sore, or at least kids would see it for its age. On the other hand, they’re kids, so they might just get a kick out of it either way.

Monster hunter stories is 3DS

It was... ok.

Quality lip sync.

Have a friend who in elementary school decided to be funny he’d do all his writing practice left handed, but with his right hand. Meaning, like, he used his right hand, but hooks his wrist over so that the pencil is at a left handed angle. Now that’s just how he writes.

Yeah, Personally I feel it’s gotten slower, and not in a good way. It’s still a fast game, just more fast things happening over a longer period of time, if that makes sense. I’m able to get more powerful things off than I used to, but opponents are able to have more powerful answers than they used to as well, and vice

Seems like a typical FNM ;)

I hope they add Buu, never cared for the fat one.



Thought about getting a bike once.

Right? I was a big Halo nerd, played it all, read the books, and was Xbox 360 all the way, but then Halo 4 was only ok, I gave 5 a shot and never even finished it; I’m sure plenty of people still love it, but it’s lost to me now. The other game I got my Xbone for was Gears 4, which I ended up playing on a different