
No, because before there were competitions, there was no standard. John Doe didn’t like Items, Jane Doe did like items, but John Doe started up competitions first and the standard was born. My proof is A) The example I gave above, which is my living first hand proof, and B) Other games, such as Mario Kart, use items

This world? I agree with Platypus Man. For one thing, almost everything is the product of random chance, trying to reduce it is a subjective matter.

What the puck?

I feel like if N-Korea actually pulled anything they’d be wiped off the damn map in a heart beat. How much of their bullshit can the world take; it’s a thin line of toleration at the moment.

Could totally see prime four with samus version, red and yellow joycon, slick samus decal on the back of the main red device.

I feel like I missed something, John gave this wisdom of like “using your dragons makes you no better a ruler” and she seemed to give way, but then like two seconds later she was using her dragons. Did I miss something or was it supposed to be a surprise?

Don’t forget the new weapon, it’s called the ‘Sploosh-o-Matic’; not even kidding.

Why no men vs women?

Somewhere, in an alternate universe, it is a cartoon, and this article is called “Actors that best fit the GoT characters if it was live action” and we’d be like shit those actors are perfect!

We’ve got I’ve too!

On point with me as well. Though honestly I kind of felt it coming from when it was announced, yet, I bought it anyway :/

When did the Fig campaign start? If it’s clearly not on track to meet it’s goal I’d pass.

haha, that’s a funny message. I got the adapter right away, so I hadn’t seen that at all yet xD I assumed the people dropping were kids just quitting, but I guess maybe it’s just wifi! I very much recommend the adapter, especially if Smash ever comes the hell out.

Man that’s some deep sarcasm... but really, try both. For me, motion is god awful, and sticks is way faster and better. It’s literally the difference between 400 points, and 2,400 points at the end of the match, always at the bottom, or top, respectively. Throw all the reasons at me you want, but believe me I’ve tried

So what makes this series more special than other JRPGs that people love it so much? I think I tried one on 3DS a while back and just couldn’t get into it. Nothing made it stand out as special to me. :/

American female celebrity: “Women are not sex objects!”

What happens when you die? You just spectate the rest off the match? Just curious, never seen or played, but hear about it constantly.

Wow, didn’t think this was nearly as funny as my earlier joke about Face Hunter on that MTG stabbing story, but I’ll take it!

For the brand itself, I don’t think it matters so much, I don’t even pay attention to that, just know the main ability on a piece of gear is permanent and can’t be changed, so get a hat, shirt, and shoes with a main ability you like, with as many slots as possible (you can add slots later if need be), max that gear

Wait, I’ve never gotten any drink tickets, plenty of the meals, but none of the drinks. I just assumed they be given per events in the future, but you’re talking about spending them already; where do you get them?