Probably played too much Hearthstone, took “face hunter” literally.
I don’t get Vynl. My favorite radio station, KQRS 95.2 here in MN, switched to having 95% of it’s library on Vynl.
He’s a moron. The NFL and other sports leagues already put up with douche bags, let’s not let esports support those kinds of people.
I mean, I agree, but the truth is, lot’s of people do it. I’ve known several different groups that play various games (Some I was a part of, some not), destiny included, who only ever complain about what makes it a terrible game. When I asked why they keep playing, the response is usually said in a depressing tone…
Definitely not intended. They are a pretty rare thing else-wise. I’ve beaten the game and have like 5 tickets, plus 1 2x ticket for beating the game, and have since found that if you beat a level with every possible weapon, you are awarded with 1 ticket. Why would they have them be such rare and tricky rewards, if…
People still listen to Rap? And dontcha think it’s kinda ironic since they’re all cheaters?
A few dozen? Then it really will just become more of the same. You’ll grind because you feel like you need to, but it won’t be fun, per Tricksy’s comment. I get companies will prey on people’s addictive tendencies instead of focusing on fun, but I’m really trying to get back to the age of fun games. Zelda BotW was an…
Gimme one small ark IDW, just one small ark, that ties up the lose ends and concludes the story of the current lore. THEN completely reboot it.
I guess I don’t know how comic book stuff works, but slightly confused, Batman would be DC, and the Blob is Marvel, and how the heck does something like Transformers fit in? How does IDW make such cross overs possible?
Awesome, smash is the only fighting game I can really play (and am pretty good at) yet I’m terrible at other fighters, which is a shame considering how much I love smash, seems like this is just the kind of thing I’ve been waiting for. The world needs more simplistic fighters and smash clones.
Star Wars world would be boss. Lot’s of time has passed since Disney bought it and KH3 was in development. Or at the very least slip in a lightsaber keyblade ;)
I guess he expected it to be a “smashing” success...
heh-heh, “erected”...
Reason #87 why I don’t drink: Must not screw up my inevitable meeting with Miyamoto. Because yes it will totally happen; don’t kill my dreams. :P
Would be more impressed if it was like, Olimar.
That has been my ringtone for ages.
Honestly this never even crossed my mind, I think most people really do just prefer ice cream, I mean come on, no contest.
Lol! Well I’m not saying you should lead with that or anything, but like judge on how it’s going and the type of person they are. If it’s right, you get something like a giggle, a smile, “you ass!”, and a playful push on the shoulder. And trust me, that physical contact is a big positive step.