Speaking of N64 controllers...apparently I’ve always been holding them the wrong way. I always took the side two handles as “optional” and directly used my left pointer and thumb to manipulate the stick, while gripping the handle on the far right.
Speaking of N64 controllers...apparently I’ve always been holding them the wrong way. I always took the side two handles as “optional” and directly used my left pointer and thumb to manipulate the stick, while gripping the handle on the far right.
“giant mech with missile shooting action that was piloted by Shaq”
...wow, just wow...you gotta finish this story!!
I would shank a baby for $42k o_o
I am his age. In both high school and college you are repeatedly told - regardless of subject or speciality - that anything over a one page resume will not be looked at. I would be very scared trying a two page one for fear I won’t be read.
That is fucking awful, people shouldn’t have to explain their NAME and be punished for it.
Gumball for the fucking win. That show has made me cry-laugh more times than I can count.
That was such a good moment. “Welp, time to ROAST some baddies!”
“The sequel, Tooie wasn’t as good”
Just had the same conversation last night. In the glitch episode, PBubs says she is going to “take care of [Ice King]” and cocks back a gun. BITCH BE CRAY.
dawww kitteh washinks :3
psssh, hipster
Ignore that poster. They are responding to everyone with this propaganda that you did something wrong. You never did.
You need to stop responding to people on this thread. You continue to vouch for peoples’ mothers, yet you never experienced what they did. These posters have very difficult stories to share. This is not the thread for you.
I got “you snot”
But we aren’t talking about gold star parenting. We’re talking about wanting mothers that don’t abuse you. You wouldn’t let a stranger belittle you, hit you, steal your things, emotionally abuse you, so why would you accept a mother who does? You can have sympathy to a point, but there’s a line that gets crossed. It…
Thank you for this. Every time Mother’s Day rolls around and I hear the “give your mom the best this year - she deserves it!”, I nearly cry. Everyone’s mom isn’t kind, or honest, or loving. It means a lot that this blog is saying something about it
Don’t you love finding gems like that?? :D I recently got lucky and found Kirby’s Dream Course in the box, and I get home and open it and IT HAS NEVER BEEN PLAYED. Still in the plastic sheet, the cardboard holder inside unbent or tarnished, the booklet in perfect condition..I about cried