
i swear, every time life almost convinces me that men like you don’t exist, you come through.

Wow. Thank you

I read this in a dental chair getting new repair work on the teeth that were knocked out by a man over 30 years ago. How badly were you affected is truth.


This made me legit lol.

Yeah, I have a guest bedroom with a convertible couch that is the cat’s “spot.” One of my friends was staying over and saw the cat sitting on it and said jokingly, “Oh, someone’s been sleeping on my bed!” I told him, “Yeah, that’s what HE thinks too.” ;-)

This little ball of fluff used to sleep in her own bed (on my bed), but now she’s taken to curling up and resting her head on my feet. That said there was this one time where I was side sleeping and she crawled under the cover, with her head poking out and resting under my chin. Without a doubt, CUTEST thing she has

I love sleeping in bed with pets! My current kitty will occasionally sleep in the bed with me and my husband, but she goes through phases (one week it will be in bed, the next on a nightstand, etc.)

My dog sleeps in my bed and tells me where I can sleep which is not next to my husband because that is her spot.

Cuteness, for reference.

Plus, internalized misogyny is a factor, too

Imma start a list of things that every single sexworker is sick to fucking death of hearing:

You have a point, but also I think of the fact that women tried for more than a hundred years to get the damn vote and were for all that time given sincere explanations why they should put their complaints aside for the time being so that all the fellow travelers could find common cause for the greater purpose of each

ugh matt damon is such a piece of shit. this talking over thing. this idea that he cannot be wrong because he’s Right. He’s just a loser.

it is SO painful to watch this. The absolute tone deafness, talking over the woman and disrespect in horrific.

I’ve read about this scene so many times but never actually watched it til now and it’s even more brutal than reading a transcript. fucccccckkk thissss shiiiitthsihtishts

Plus he interrupted her and then spoke over her. Ugh.

He DID. NOT. LIKE. That she spoke. Not at all. He was pissed. How dare she.

I only ever read the transcript and now I remember why: I had to stop at 00:51 in order to avoid giving myself a rage stroke. The way he’s interrupting and talking over a black woman on the subject of diversity, no less! - is just staggering in its irony.

Listen. I was slightly annoyed when I read the comments, but now I’m thoroughly entertain by the lack of understanding about the difference between a normal protagonist in a movie and the “white savior” trope.