I was about to complain to my apartment management that our pool doesn’t have magically self-drying decks.
I was about to complain to my apartment management that our pool doesn’t have magically self-drying decks.
Don’t you mean Lurkings Hall? Amirite???
Plagiarism, giftbox, hand slaps, cyber bullying, stunt double, disappearance, and now the jacket. Melania is endlessly entertaining.
July 15th - Jackie Washington Day.
Here’s the thing. Context is never universal.
Every Afro-Latinx girl isn’t Amara La Negra. Which is why I said that they need to do better about accepting their deep and obvious African roots.
Afro-Latinx people need to do a better job of accepting their African heritage. American Blacks need to do a better job accepting that Blackness is not an uniform ethnicity. We (American Blacks) regularly interchange “Black” to describe our ethnicity and our race. This isn’t the same in the much of the Latin world. In…
You made some very valid points. They just didn’t have shit to do with me. Hopefully your efforts today stay smart but are bit more relevant to the people you are responding to.
While all of this is true, it has nothing to do with my reasonable reaction to be disappointed.
You extrapolated a lot from my hurt feelings.
This one hurt.
The (old head / auntie) millennial delegation would like to submit these for consideration
He’s a white/Italian basketball player from Wilmington. It’s surprising that it wasn’t worse.
This photo is so white that it brought its emotional support duck to brunch.
I forgot it was April 1st. This had me up until paragraph 3, sentence 4.
Black people in power at the level of local urban politics have at times misused that power to enrich themselves and their friends, often at the expense of the local black community.
Keisha almost lost because the fractured (and petty) Black political establishment in Atlanta. KLB was the first frontrunner black candidate to have sitting city council members and a former mayor actively campaign against her. Her connection to Kasim - The Gentrifier - Reed is why the election was so close. He upset…
This is specifically the question I was asking. How can “No” Black people benefit from racism if there are mechanisms that provide advantages for certain Black people? Just because those mechanisms were created by the white supremacist structure doesn’t mean that we should ignore their existence.
A: The first silly child brought up the white man’s dictionary. Maybe you would’ve caught that if you were literate in the white man’s English. (Also, Daniel Webster had nothing to do with Merriam-Webster Dictionary lol)
So your opinion is that Black people cannot be racist because we can’t get away with *400* years of enslavement, oppression, marginalization, rape, murder, and degradation? Because that’s not what your meme said.