Lew Schiller

If I recall these correctly they made Scouts look good when it came to gas mileage. This seems to back that up:

This and furries....

NP by me - with a smidge of haggling - but that’s because I’d part it out for a profit.

When you get past your mid 50's or so your primary fantasy is just sex ...with a partner.

Doing some repair work at a woman’s house I noticed a refrigerator magnet that read.. “There’s a sucker born every minute but swallowers are hard to find”

My favorite Stomare

Health Issues = “I’m sick of this thing”

Prom is a wedding rehearsal

And it never sleeps

If I can separate Alec Baldwin’s entire being from his work - which I enjoy - anything’s possible.

I spent a great deal of my working life in the “wine business” on the retail/import end. In the early naughts there was a glut of very good French wine that could be purchased in bulk at a very reasonable price. I pushed for us to buy it and sell it in boxes, my rationale being these very points. It’s not the bag it’s

I’m in the grays so this won’t matter but I feel the need to tell.

Right. I did this to see them all. Pass.

In my youth- I’m old - a lot of the women in the neighborhood didn’t drive. Maybe most. Small groceries were walking distance away and a city bus line went “downtown”. My mom didn’t get her license until she was 51 and we moved to a more rural area.

That would seem to be disallowed by the rental companies who like you to already have a license and be  21 or older.

I liked his early on “Hobo that robbed a jewelry store” look

The money in that comes from future book royalties

“No worries” is the worst. 

I believe it’s Kim that Gene sees when he’s on the phone with the cleaner

Especially if that chair is at a snow cleared curb