“ Make student loan debt dischargable in bankruptcy. Make forgiveness subject to income. Forgiving a debt one time does nothing to help people in the future.”
“ Make student loan debt dischargable in bankruptcy. Make forgiveness subject to income. Forgiving a debt one time does nothing to help people in the future.”
There you go! Because people sacrificing whatever else to keep gas in their 10 year old SUV so they can get to work can’t wait to pay $35,000 for a small EV.
What a great way to wash money.
As part of my job as an mortgage processing assistant I call insurance companies and mortgage lenders. Almost all have long twisting call trees that are guaranteed to have me raging against the company by the time I get to a person. It’s not their fault and I always strive to be nice but the repetitive attempts to get…
Well I think one has to consider that Lillian Stone has a debilitating psychological condition that causes her to have an inordinate fear of talking to someone on the phone and she doesn’t mind sharing that with the world.
When she pulled from Spotify a lot of people in online places mocked it as Who Cares? Well it prompted me to revisit Court and Spark and I’m so glad I did. I’d forgotten what an outstanding piece of work it is. If you haven’t you really should.
Never give your only key to a dealer
Apparently Antonio Malik knows what ass tastes like.
“Perhaps the male fans of the NFL aren’t ready for men wearing makeup and glammed out crop tops. But that doesn’t really matter. The men of NFL cheerleading are doing things their way now.”
Seven Minutes? I should stand around for Seven Minutes waiting for a vending machine burger? I...don’t see that happening.
“delude” ?
On my ‘02 Yukon everything is just two too many. Washer makes the wipers flip 5 times. after three it’s dry and smearing. Doors - belts - 5 times. 2 too many
This could bring $20
What cost $5795 in 1983 would cost $16303.62 in 2021.
This is the type of response for which I come here.
How is this possible? I thought all he owned was a simple apartment in Moscow?
MST3K..I was really up for the reboot. I contributed to the fund me for it because I felt I owed Joel for all the good times. The end result didn’t work for me. I guess you can never go back. Probably good for those who never got as deep into it in the original Joel/Mike shows.
Subscription Feature
I’ve yet to see any approximate price for ID Buzz. Don’t see how I could speculate about owning one without that.
Coincidentally this article popped up in my feed today. Sheds great light on the whole situation. “In London, money rules everyone,” a Russian magnate told the journalist Catherine Belton. “Anyone and anything can be bought.”