Lew Schiller

If you’re old enough to remember “Screamin’ Yellow Zonkers”, imagine a puffed snack of this texture with that flavor and you have Beaver Nuggets a delicacy only available in the south at Buc-ee’s awesome gas stations. (If you get there be sure to try the pulled pork or brisket sandwiches.) (Oh! and the fudge. Don’t

As mom used to say..”Ughh...men are such pigs”.

I invite you all to take your legal mumbo jumbo elsewhere. This is Jezebel. Women good..Men bad and you can make any assertion if you add..probably.

Cancel all student debt. Then shut down all student lending. See how fast Universities revise their fee schedules.

My friend had his super clean 2016 2500 diesel pickup stolen from his driveway. It’s insured. He’s had to add $10,000 to the settlement to get into a 2017 half ton gasser.

But look at all the clicks it’s generated!

I can drive an MGB. I squeeze into a Miata.

Agreed. I wouldn’t buy it without seeing it in person but otherwise that and a little haggling and Bob’s Your Uncle. Whatever that actually means.

What? Skeered of a little rust are ya?

They are paid. I’ve always thought the idea behind tipping waitstaff is that they’re paid like $3/hr and count on tips. A ‘barista” is paid $12.50/hr. (National average per Indeed) but for some reason they should be tipped when the McDonalds worker at their drive through being paid the same around here at least is

Do you tip everywhere then? Fast food drive through’s? Deli counters? Grocery store cashiers? Sub shop? Why do the people who hand you a coffee need to be tipped when typically the people who make your burger and hand it through a window or over a counter aren’t?

Because they like it?

Chick-fil-A near me runs the line in a double loop around the store. Minimal traffic issue. What they need is a second location.

Right. There are octane boosters used in old cars - perhaps that will be a thing.

That’s no guarantee of flying. I have a nephew who went to the AF Academy. Apparently he was too tall for flight training.

So is this going to require cylinder heads to be re-worked with hardened seats?

There aren’t the hordes of nasty insects in most places that we get here.

Had a rental Wrangler this past summer. Didn’t like anything about it. My BIL thinks they’re awesome. Each to their own.


I don’t tip the people at McDonalds or KFC or In-n-Out, Culvers..really anywhere and I don’t know anybody who does yet I should tip the people at Starbucks?