Lewis Mon

I hope they make it appeal for 15+ or something, because a 12+ just destroys it for me...another advantage to it being 15+ is that by the time the filming ends, the people who played it probably would be around that age by then so...I’m hoping that that’s what’ll happen.

Ugh, really? Wow, I can’t believe how gullible the Internet is nowadays, or just how plain stupid kids are when they use it now, but that’s definitely besides the point! Okay, so this whole “I’M A CALL DIS’ FNAF PLACE!” is really getting boring, and when you go on YouTube, almost 94% of the people calling, are a bunch

I just want to point out a valid gesture, if this game is only just getting a movie then we will have to wait something like...2 or 3 (maybe even 4) years before we get this film, meaning that the film won’t be coming out until at least 2019, and by then if Scott has not kept up with the franchise (promoting stuff, I