
Seriously though, the federal government should seriously consider adopting an ag subsidy program targeting almond growers that pays them to switch to other less water intensive crops. Almonds, and nuts in general, use a bizarrely disproportionate share of all of California’s water, largely due to arcane local water

For many of these people, getting to the olympics is the crowning achievement of their lives to date. They’re not going to walk away from all of it and their years of hard work and preparation because the ceiling is leaking. That said, they have every right to complain if the ceiling is leaking.

The angle to this story that’s not getting enough attention is that Wikileaks is working for Russian state security on this. The Russian intelligence services hacked the DNC, then leaked the info to wikileaks to publicly release it and embarrass one side in a foreign country’s elections. Wikileaks isn’t releasing this

Who is responsible for the leak in the first place is the Russian intelligence services, which hacked the DNC servers to steal this information. This was not “leaked” in any sense of the term. Do you feel comfortable with Wikileaks being hijacked by Russia’s FSB to serve as a mouthpiece for the Russian intelligence

Touche. He’s literally losing more money than anyone on this, as it means a major event being pulled from his team’s arena.

Right. Human subjects research happens ALL the time. Like there are thousands of human subject studies like this operating at universities around the country on every single day. There are rules now about informed consent, etc, and people (except for a few bad apples) follow them. Its incredibly weird, closed-minded

This headline is absurd. They’re voluntarily consenting to be studied after having been politely asked, which is a pro-social act that we should celebrate, as they will be helping out other people by producing useful knowledge that can maybe help reduce the suffering zika is causing.

Yes, this headline is ridiculous

and it has the internet... someone sitting there can read her stupid book and write a review of it on amazon. that wasn’t necessarily true in 1999. she must not have realized that times had changed.

Ima go ahead and say she’s not 29.

But the stuff James Frey lied about was at least a little plausible, no?

Wouldn’t it have made so much more sense to handle the jump in the cap by proportionately scaling up all existing contracts and maintaining the existing salary structure in the league? Would have led to dramatically less upheaval and chaos. The CBA stipulates that X% of the revenue must go to the players. The current

Wouldn’t it have made so much more sense to handle the jump in the cap by proportionately scaling up all existing contracts and maintaining the existing salary structure in the league? Would have led to dramatically less upheaval and chaos. The CBA stipulates that X% of the revenue must go to the players. The current

If you’re going to define “worthiness” in some cosmic, meta-physical, or philosophical sense, then have it.

Somebody’s a real douche this morning, isn’t he?

They’re doing a good impression of the exact 180 opposite of Sam Hinkie’s approach right now.

Because who are you coming to the Mavs to play with? They really don’t have much talent on their roster, especially now that Parsons is leaving. Do you really think guys are just jumping at the opportunity to suit up next to Wes Matthews this summer? Dirk is absolutely amazing, but he’s way past his prime and only

“One of those”? People who get how supply and demand work?

Exactly. Few deals in the business world are zero sum. Most deals exist because doing business together is beneficial to both sides.

Yes more championships would be great. But Boston has won enough that there isn’t this insane organizational imperative to “win one for Cleveland”, etc. Now that these Cs owners already have one title, I imagine that having a team that spends the next 5-6 years in a row in the playoffs, winning 50ish games a year,