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    The true answer to Netflix’s question is that Americans are hurt period. That is the only explanation to why snarky, rude and mean comments are what gets ppl’s attention these days. It’s disturbing. Netflix knows that rudely calling out 53 ppl would get more ppl to watch what sounds like a corny Hallmark movie. It

    Mayer was a dumbass. That’s whathappenes when a company hires a person bases on appearance/nepotism instead of skill. Everyday ppl with skill get nowhere while dumbasses (she was just a badass CEO period) get these big jobs and in turn ruin billion dollar companies. That’s what they get. It’s getting too often that

    Don’t know why ppl get upset when Christmas is mentioned in November. That’s like getting mad that ppl are excited for Halloween in September. It’s pretty stupid especially since it’s better to start thinking of things early if one is planning something major for the holiday. That whole ppl scrambling the day before

    While I’ll say that ppl tend to not support any other types of movies but superhero and horror movies these days (except black movies which do well because we support our own creatively. Personally is another story...) I think this movie underperformed because there just weren’t enough fans to support it. Many times,

    I understand what ppl are saying about Swinton calling on Cho to do her diversity intellectual work for her but I’ve come to understand that white ppl do not have a natural tendency to understand difference. There is something missing in their intellectual evolution that brings about an automatic understanding of