
you see giant craters and a rift between tectonic plates, i see my city’s new ponds and riverfront area.

so Matt Damon is the Panda?

When you go home tonight, there’s gonna be another story on your house!

Shout out to the amazing view this person has outside his residence.

No, that was a bunch of celebrity nudes that were leaked..... oh wait, you said The Happening?

The Altima end to the fight

Gizmodo. The election is over. Please quit making political post. I’m ready to just get back to tech news. I don’t care or appreciate your one sided political view every time I get on this site. I came to Gizmodo for tech news and tech news on. Thanks

Of course it’s fucking real and happening. Quit acting so God damn dramatic. What did you think would happen? Trump would stay dormant after being elected and disappear into the night? No, it’s president-elect. Support him, or don’t. However, quit acting like a sobbing child.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

I was waiting for another deal like this to pull the trigger.

I’m ready for the United States of the Pacific

Wow you people really are a bunch of fucking babies. Its not offensive. Get over it.

This is what Donald Trump says every time he looks at his polling numbers among African-Americans.

Weird, twitter has always been known as a place of kindness and thoughtful insight.

The light is great. Had mine for about a month now and love it. But no normal human being wakes up looking as happy or put together as the girl in the picture. No matter what alarm clock is used.

The light is great. Had mine for about a month now and love it. But no normal human being wakes up looking as happy

Didn’t last as long as the one made of sticks, and neither last as long as the one made of bricks.

Go cry a river.

A bit of an over reaction.