

Impressive video, but if I may:

It’s a great shame that security cameras don’t have the necessary resolution to capture the expression on the face of that person strolling by.

I am shocked, shocked I say!, that a profanity was uttered in a hockey locker room. Of all places! What’s this fucking world coming to?

Mr. JARVIS’ Wild Ride

This just proves people can be offended by just about anything.

sims fans might be one of the strangest gaming subcultures i know about.

To be fair, those stigmata wounds in his hands open easily.

Now do one of Donald Trump saying: “I resign the office of President of the United States, effective immediately.”

Same reason Oregon Trail was so beloved. It’s the first time many kids remembering having fun learning Geography/History.

Echoing this. If you were lucky enough to get a computer lab day and that game could count for a geography lesson, it was a good day!

You forgot the most important reason why people love Carmen Sandiego. It was a game that was actually fun that we were allowed, nay, ENCOURAGED to play at school.

If it was in the game when it was released and needs skill to pull it out, it wasn’t an exploit. Taking out advanced maneuvers makes mario kart less competitive... Thank you casuals.

If your organization is anything like mine, yes, making them work the help desk would be appropriate punishment. Some would consider it cruel and unusual though.

While I will not get into the pay gap issues immediately, women are largely not represented in Tech because frankly there just are not that many women in tech. They choose other fields to go into... I can only go from what I saw in my particular college but out of the WHOLE Computer program(CS, IT, IS) we had maybe

If there is a woman out there who has the same experience and education as a man, and has been working in the same field for the same company for the same amount of time, please, for the love of God, let me know. We will file a lawsuit and we will win. And we will make millions. And I don’t even have a fuckign law

Counterpoint: It was fantastic and I want more of the same.

Watched it 3 times today, probably will watch it again. So fucking good, opening is the weakest of the themes but the ending is FUCKING HORRIFIC AND AMAZING.
