Lew Blum

“I’m a fanatic and I’ve gone to maybe 6 games in my life.” - Guy With a Terrible Take

I too am from the South. I grew up in a town barely big enough to be called a town. I stayed there until I was in my 20's and then moved away to California. Best damned decision I ever made.

Gotta love how pointing out the stupidity of the stupid is now branded as intolerant. Of course, the people doing the branding are stupid, so what can you do?

Your writing is typically excellent, and this is a great example. I only spent a few years in the south myself, but this is entirely consistent with my experience. I had an opportunity to be part of a team that was revealing larceny on a large scale by local public officials, and the overwhelming response from the

What part of the South are you from? I’ve really come to believe more and more it’s a rural/ urban divide more than anything, and the South suffers from being rural-dominated. I grew up in Birmingham, AL (actual Birmingham, not the suburbs) and I definitely knew many more liberals than conservatives (I mean, still 35%

You think he slept after that much cocaine?

a billion-dollar building project that would define [Dan] Snyder’s legacy as an NFL owner

The correct response is to throw at their ass cheek. Same message, no one dies.

This man could get charged and convicted of a crime, impeached from office, and ultimately thrown in a penitentiary and his supporters would call it a liberal conspiracy.

This entirely. Trump is such an effective communicator because he has the bulletproof, impregnable confidence that can only come from being a sociopath. He speaks with such certainty, he never umms and aahs, and the words just come flying out of his mouth so that - if you’re not actually listening to the words

This is where President Trump always comes out ahead on these exchanges (at least in the eyes of the people who vote for him). A person making an attempt at intellectual honesty says something like “there’s no evidence that...”. That’s responsible. It’s very hard to prove 100% that something didn’t happen. So

You can tell what an amazing team the Lakers have assembled for this pathetic season long tank job when this story is the most intriguing one all season.

Maybe he should get some players and quit tanking. Sounds like he needs to get into his old man’s stash and chill.

Untrue; if the Kings make the playoffs, they owe their pick to the Bulls, and if they have a better lottery pick than the Sixers, the Sixers can pick swap. They owe the 2019 pick to Philly, with no protection.

I’m not sure what more MSM and sites like Gawker 2.0 can do to prove that they’re a sham.

Dropping the “Hussein” when referring to Obama and resorting to juvenile insults like “libtard” is a telltale sign you’ve lost the argument. Also, it was the right who were criticizing Obama over his golfing while expecting no one to say anything about Trump, despite Trump on Twitter complaining about Obama and

Neither this post nor I have made any suggestion that “Obama’s golf is less offensive than Trump’s.” Why are you trying to shift the goalposts? Is it because you look stupid and you want to change the subject?

you are stupid, i used to work in a job like this, it made my day fun when people fucked with me on phone calls.

They've also done it with pizza places.

Now playing

Sal and Richard perfected this art well before this clown