

Yeah, I’d definitely rather focus on the fact that she shared, like, a thing implying that grieving parents’ pain was false then the fact that she’s not the best voice actor.

I was Team White Walkers, hoping for them to wipe out all of humanity and the have the Night King break out that slight smirk only when overlooking the frozen, silent wasteland.

Okay, this is my favorite story so I have to tell it at least briefly. I was on a map that had a super evil biome. Specifically, anything dead would reanimate within moments, and begin trying to murder any living thing it saw. By doing some experiments, I was able to roughly map its dimensions. Dwarves generally were

Cocked your head to the side and said “I’m Angry.”

Since you looked at me.

It’s been one week.

“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray

“Yeah, he really was my friend,” Graham said.

King’s Crossing is indeed amazing. That album is great. All of his albums, for that matter, are quite good.

I’ve switched from United and still have to verify one of my medications (Anafranil, for those interested) once every few months.

How sad is it that my reaction to this was “Yeah, that sounds about right for United Healthcare.” It is like pulling teeth to get them to pay for anything. I had to get several MRIs a few years ago and I had to get put in the hospital for a week just to get a 20-minute test.

She was a damn idiot. One of our freedoms is to not be forced into patriotic displays. Ive always found flag worship ( including anthem and pledge) really creepy. It’s like it’s own religion. Really fucking weird. These same idiots have no problem shitting all over the flag code by wearing it as clothing though? I'll

I skip all Rogan’s episodes with Shapiro, Peterson et al. He’s far too credulous to have any kind of interesting discussion on those kinds of issues imo. I will still tune in though if it’s someone like Brian Cox or his comedian/actor friends like Joey Diaz and the like.

God is a perfect, immaculate being, who doesn’t make mistakes. Except when he fucks up and makes mistakes. Like you.”

Oh, I’m sure Hillsong is just as accepting of gays as it is of divorced heterosexuals. Totally sure. Like, super super sure.

Double XP brings them Rock-Biter feels.

I think Life In Agro's analysis of blu magic so far has been hilarious.

I got a little frustrated when he kept talking about how disappointing it was that Dr. Lee wouldn’t treat his nose all at once, but that he had to come back. . .”Oh, I’ve come all this way. . .” after you ignored her order to stop taking blood thinners for 2 weeks before coming in. Worried about what that would do? The

He made a rhetorical point not a threat.