
Lindsay did not listen to anything that girl said. She made up her own story for her in her head and just went with it. People not listening when I’m being clear is a huge pet peeve of mine. That conversation was so uncomfortable to watch. Does Lindsay ever interact with real people because that is not how human conve

A person who can not listen is the worst type of person. Thank you for watching this trite for me because I think she would make me bleed from the eyes if it was my job. 

I love that she has the guts to clap back at these blowhards but is doing it in a way that is not calling them liars, sexists or alarmists, but by basically calling them idiots and making them prove their knowledge. I don’t think a lot of our politicians really know their stuff when it comes to constitutional law, tax

Oh my god. This immediately brought to mind the scene in Kill Bill where the hospital attendant had been assaulting her while she was in her coma and just jesus fucking christ. This poor woman.

My guess is they were froze in amazement. People often freeze up in situations like this, unsure of what to do. 

Cause it looked like she needed help with his raggedy ass?

Lmao at the triggered replies to you.

Especially when you take an eighth of mushrooms.

Thanks for this! Will update. 

“Trump flew out to Iraq on Christmas evening, and landed this morning. He visited the Al Asad Air Base outside of Baghdad, where he spoke to a group of about 100 assembled U.S. troops, the majority of whom were members of the special forces.”

Now playing

I’ll do you one better: how about a semi truck?

I generally like people


Now playing

That’s right, Bob. Listen to your friend. A person who makes more money than you is better than you.

Y’all, keep in mind that the check was $1,000 for THREE WEEKS of pay. A nigga can’t even make over $300 a week without raising suspicion. 

Sounds more like you don’t get invited to the right type of parties.

The Ann Coulter live show is off to an amazing start.

WTF is it about the season that has these bleach-blonde dimwits coming out of the woodwork to make their presence known? Toxic Listeria and her ghost of Christmas future both need to shut the entire fuck up. After all ‘tis the season to do something for others and allowing us to forget their existence is the best gift

He doesn’t miss her; he misses having things both ways.

Agreed. I really would love to see that game come back once more. I mean, I liked part 2, but it was way too watered down from the first 1. Graphically, from a gameplay perspective and arguably even the narrative.