
Articles like this are what bring me to The Root every day.

I always upvote Radiohead.

I keep trying to play both and wind up going back to Warframe again. I just think it’s.....better. There’s a great Polygon review of it if you’re curious.


I like you.

So....with all these Kelly’s, maybe it’s time to replace “Becky’s” with “Kelly’s”. Just saying....I’m sure all the Rebecca’s would agree.

Thank you for this!

Still laughing. All the stars.

Dinky! Everything has gone 19, am I right?

You have no power over me!

I’m actually really looking forward to this. It seems very well done.

This. So much this.

Come for the articles, stay for the savage. Love ya, Anne. Can you believe that asshat mentioned not smiling? Still laughing at your response.

Fair enough.

Hah, I think we are having a fundamental misunderstanding of what I am agreeing with. I see what you are getting at, and I agree. There is never a reason to put your hands on another person unless they a) attack you first or about to, or b) doing it to someone else and you are stopping it. The story above about the

I wasn’t trying to heckle you, my friend, I was agreeing and trying to be funny at the same time and failed >.<

Very. Manners are everything.

Hey, did you actually see the documentary? I’ve been looking all over the net and I can’t find it O.o

Thank you so much for this!

Watched this yesterday and absolutely love it. Radiohead videos are the best videos.