
I got in a straight up argument with my wife (with whom I rarely seriously argue) about something my dad told me when I was around 5 or 6. Actually, told me doesn’t quite cover it. This was a full on fucking conspiracy. My dad would feed our pet duck apple sauce and she loved it.  He told me that apple sauce would

So....I think this is from The Name of the Wind or The Wise Man’s Fear. Not saying you made it up, just saying I am a little suspicious.

This. This is so awesome. Thanks for sharing this.

Me too, isn’t she beautiful?

Ah, I see. Valid point. It is, indeed, their prerogative to do what they like with their brand. Nice dialoguing with you. See how that works, interwebs?

The roof is on fire!

I completely agree that Nintendo doesn’t see how it benefits them. My mum didn’t see how Obamacare benefited her until she lost her job and broke her hip. I’m just saying that E-sports aren’t a “huge” deal, but they are a “big” deal and getting bigger all the time. Nintendo also thought Pokemon Go wasn’t going to be a


My philosophy is that you shouldn’t piss on someone’s house, directly beneath their window. Doesn’t stop the tweakers next door from doing it at least once a week. Which, in turn, doesn’t mean I don’t have to hose it down every time. Point being, just because it doesn’t fall within my philosophy of how things should

Here, here. I’ll respect your right to believe in God, why can’t you respect my “belief” that you’re delusional?

You know.....I’ve always been so fucking terrified that would happen that my paranoia has never let it. Did you just hulk rage the first time it happened? I might have hulk raged.

You beat me to it. No cars, though. At least not yet.

Thanks for the Deltron 3030, it’s been one of the things missing from my life. I love the shit out of the Gorillaz, why am I just now finding this?

Were they corrupted or just incompatible with the new patch? Either way, if they’re lost I have no doubt you tried it all. Just curious.

The Ankh-Morpork City Watch Novels by Terry Pratchett would make an excellent TellTale series.

Thanks for this, Luke. You’ve introduced me to some cool music. Add one more to the list.

I find Penny Arcade to be sometimes funny, occasionally hilarious and usually meh...but getting rid of something because you personally don’t like it? You should get into politics.

No, no....I meant welcome back....to Hell! Mwahahahahaaaha! What we were we talking about again?

Narelle, welcome back! We missed you!

Kirk, I am with you. 100%. I’m afraid the strain is more than I can bear.