Ben Johnson

It takes more than a year from an episode being written to being broadcast (especially with Cartoon Network's scheduling). If this plot showed up recently in the comic, then the NEOKOSMOS version is the rehash. It just took less time to reach an audience.

See, I assume if they're young and unfamiliar then that is all the more reason they probably vape.

Not Michigan?

You mean you want the bomb format to bomb?

I think the answer to your question is not really. Most of the trippy stuff from that final bit of VLR seems to have been dropped in this one.

From only the screenshots here, I can see the algorithm is flawed. There's an obvious rhyme between "dissidents" and "this kid is" in the line from "Washington On Your Side".

So explain Disney's Robin Hood.

I imagine some of it might be that it's easier. If you're shooting for human and miss, everyone can tell. If it's not really human anyway, then you have wiggle room.

There's a bit of a discrepancy between the header image and the band as it was when this song was recorded.

He has to dispel with the notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing.

An injured Theodore Roosevelt returned from the expedition.

But Martin is a hero! We just saw him defeat his harsh captors, outwit a tribe of savages, and escape with the child emperor's riches. It's an older model of heroism, without all that morality stuff thrown in.