When artists I respect are bad as humans I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY EMOTIONS.
When artists I respect are bad as humans I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY EMOTIONS.
I’m still holding out hope that he gets screwed out of this one
That’s so sad. We had one in Boston actually commit suicide, many years ago. I’m glad this one is getting released!
Well, darn, I was hoping for an actual test we could take. Like Cosmo quizzes in the ‘80s and ‘90s! (Do they still do those? I bet they still do those.)
Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate it. My anxiety is a little different, it’s more about being completely overwhelmed and terrified by things in the past (either immediate past or even further back, i.e., things I said or did that I regret, etc.) and totally depressed and anxious about events that haven’t…
You ARE doing well at six books, just FYI. Any reading is good reading.
I think so too but my mama calls me a cheater when I count graphic novels. Jerk.
It is really hard to describe but let me try...
Libraries on Overdrive has CHANGED MY READING LIFE. I have a library card at a few different libraries so I can check out like, 80 books at a time. (I don’t, it is just a nice thing to have when you want to read a book and are afraid it will be checked out)
I can only hope!
If books help you more power to you. And those kitties just must have sensed what a kind and pure spirit that you had. Sorry for the anxiety. All I can advise is to find things that you love and do them. That’s my advice to everyone.
Can I ask you about your anxiety? Because mine has been on overload, I don’t take any meds but am seeing my therapist on Monday and will ask her (again) (she’s not a fan). What are they like? Like klonopin?
Same here - reading speed, patterns, voracity, genres! Not 48 - like, 26 or something, but to add to (or rather, stress from) your advice:
I am a very fast reader but besides that I advise reading things you find really interesting but step out of your comfort zone. I am trying to read more poetry and graphic novels.
Well to be fair a handful or two are poetry or graphic novels. Not very long or wordy but still books!
48 books THIS YEAR??? 2016??
I’ve missed a few SNSsessesses because I’ve been too tired to live lately but I just wanted to check in and say hi.
I had a hard time getting to sleep last night I was so upset. My Mom had come to visit the week before and I gave her some face products I couldn’t use anymore but would have felt guilty if I had thrown them away. She looked up the price of the products. She called me up last night worried that I was spending money…