Levon Helm

Don’t forget.. this gap being talked about by Jennifer and her pals.. is the white woman gap. White women are at the very tippy top of the crappy wage gap.. but they are at the TOP. Black women, Hispanic, Asian.. not even in the ball park. I just wish that vocal group would mention that as well.

Demons, obviously.

You guys, my wedding happened and I cannot get over my depression. I hated my wedding. All the help I was promised from well-meaning but unorganized people fell through. Everything looked shoddy, I barely saw my husband all night, and his brothers each tried their hand at ruining it-one with a drunken meltdown, and

I hate the term “Meghan Trainor” and I think she should be banned.

Once upon a time he was my perfect man: handsome, rich and without gross feet.

“Rash decisions made emotionally” see also:the start of every war ever fought.

It’s kinda like, I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally – they make very permanent, cemented decisions – and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen

To celebrate Columbus Day, I have discovered a mall in my town! I am naming it “Queen Mary Mall”. The people at the mall seem to think it already had a name, but *I* discovered it! I mean, there were a lot of people milling around - but *I* had never been there before!

Quick update on my cancer situation: I’ll have to have surgery but my prognosis is really good. The surgery is a bit more extensive than I thought it would be, so i’m a little concerned about recovery, but at least I get to live, so I’ll deal with the pain. We don’t know yet about chemo. My doctor doesn’t know for

I would give them a month before getting bummed out based on where you applied. It takes sometime before they decide things. Keep applying to other places while you wait. To be honest, you're more than likely are going to get a lot of nos before you get a yes. It is discouraging and draining.

It’s been over a week since I applied for a job for the first time (as in, I have had a job before but I’ve never gone through the job application process) and I haven’t heard anything more, which I’m guessing is... not a great thing. I confess to being a little bit bummed since finding part time admin work in my area

The Wire

The Wire. Dominic West is amazing (cf. The Affair), as is the entire rest of the cast. The cinematography (yes! in television!) and direction are real and raw. The Wire’s characters and plot lines will never leave my heart. The first season of TP was best. Sopranos, of course—for plot and characters more so than


Gotta be The Wire! You won’t regret it.

I’m the original ghosting/Irish goodbye type. That’s probably the wrong way to do it sometimes, but it depends on WHY you’re ending the friendship.

I suffer from really bad anxiety, I’ve dealt with it for years but never had a name for it before I sought help. Anyways I had a mini panic attack in my Law school class the other day, crying in the back row etc. The professor asked me a question , I was caught off guard and said I didn’t know the answer, which caused

Definitely The Wire first.