Levon Helm

This is a late addition, but I am working at the Made in America fest for a client and I was within inches of both Nick Jonas and Nicky Minaj tonight. It’s near impossible to say which one was sexier. (Also, Nicky performed with her purse on her shoulder...which is hysterical.)

Also, it didn’t happen in August, but about two years ago my mom was diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer. I moved in to help her while she went through chemo, etc.. After two months of suffering, pain, and multiple surgerys, she is (thank god) in remission. Approximately a month ago, my mom said she needed to tell

I would text back that it was nice (if it was) but I’m not interested in seeing him again. Then add “Take care,” which signals that though I am kind, my decision is definitely not up for discussion. I will not respond to anything beyond that.

Hey guys. So today is my update day from last week. I had talked about a dude (who I’m calling Steve) that was pretty much becoming a stalker.

Hey friends. I just got a dog last week, and she is lovely. However, I took her to the vet for a checkup, and she came back positive on a rapid test for heartworm. They are going to do a lab confirmatory, but I am going a little crazy reading about heartworm and its treatment. I’m hopeful that we caught it early, but

I’ve been having a really hard time lately. I live in San Francisco which used to be amazing and is now getting more and more difficult to stay in if you’re not a tech dude who makes at least $100k. I feel like one of the last lesbians here and I’ve been single for SO long (which mostly is grad school’s fault but

I’m literally going stir crazy. Better half is at the cottage for a week, I stayed home to feed the cat. It’s 900 degrees outside, my allergies are a hot mess and my anxiety is in Flux cause pms ya’ll.

i did my nails. it’s time to find a cheeseburger.....

All you need to live alone: confidence, a bit of a sense of adventure, a realization that no matter how fucked everything seems nothing is actually fucked, self-forgiveness, enough money for rent and ramen, and a firm understanding that the vertigo you’re feeling is because you’re on an upward trajectory. You’ll be

Tell him ASAP. If he takes it badly, it doesn’t matter. If he takes it well, you’re off the hook. Sounds like a win/win rather than further communication with someone who bores you. The odds are practically zero that he’ll take the rejection better if more time passes.

Hi, I’m in the greys a lot as I come in and out. But I just needed a place to vent. So a few weeks ago, my mom was let go from her job, it’s under new management and they don’t value great work anymore, but only that someone will be there at all hours. She’s older, so of course, with her ulcer stomach and stuff, she’s

So, just how honest do dudes want you to be when you’re not feeling it after the first date?

I’m a bridesmaid at a wedding right now, hiding in a room after one of the cunty other bridesmaid was nasty to me and triggered my depression. Fuck this noise

i am four days and counting not looking up one of my ex’s online and i feel much better. it seems harmless, a little gossipy harmless distraction, but i think at some level it was quite negative for me, and i feel healthier since i cut it out.

I’m trying not to stab my husband. He’s in the middle of a mid life crisis, wants to quit his job to become a musician, and says I’m too materialistic for pointing out that we have a mortgage, 3 kids who need braces, a dying car that needs to be replaced soon, and a mountain of student loan debt from when he went back

Anyone else buy anything nice over Laber Day weakend? I got an amazing deal on a new TV, 42 inches, ultra high definition, 3 HDMI ports and a USB, to replace my current 27 inch piece of shit. I can not wait until it gets here. I fucking love having a job. Actually having money to spend is awesome. I’m not sure why I

Happy saturday indeed. Last real weekend of the summer. Kids back to school. (Yay). Go to your state fair or ren fest. This is it kids.

My new baby....Midnight....aka adventure girl

First of all, thanks to all of those that commented on my one and only other post on SNS - I hope to be able to update you soon! Secondly, a reflection on FB (or any sort of internet) stalking... I had a boring summer as I pondered whether to move, and spent a lot of time alone thinking. This then lead to excessive