Levon Helm

What could the added value of a show entitled “What Men Really Think” possibly be? I’m bombarded with male opinions about things every day.

Maybe boys shouldn’t dress so distractingly.

The love that Dr. Dre gets from the media makes me rage. He made a few classics, that are frankly overrated, imo. Is the face of some crappy headphones. And has done more harm than good for black culture (on top of his mis-treatment of women).

Do you think someday there will be a rom com starring an 18 year old girl and George Clooney’s recently deceased corpse?

Look what I bought my cat

Hi Cuomo, can you maybe spend some time working on things this city actually needs? Y’know, more affordable housing, closing income gaps, improving train stations in low income areas, establishing a more financially equal public school system, protecting small business owners? No? Just tits? Okay, thanks.

I laughed so hard at the mothers reaction. That parental “Oh fuck, sweet mother of sin they were listening to us all their lives!” I don’t get the reaction, you don’t want your kid to embarrass you don’t let them talk to reporters where they may parrot you.

I cringed the whole time that small female child was talking. Even her hand gestures were older than her years. Kids man, they’re sponges.

Right. Those children were so specific and vitriolic that there is only one source that stuff could’ve been coming from.

“These 20-somethings that don’t go to college!” lol. Got news for ya kid, someday you’re gonna have tits too, so you may want to rein in your use of the word “disgusting.”

God, even as someone who is a giant fan of boobs, they are just boobs, every other person in the world has them. It’s not on the same level, but hearing cuomo and blas berate young woman for what they do or do not wear is very taliban.

Oh hey parents, it’s okay to let your kids parrot your beliefs about how “disgusting” naked ladies are until they start saying all that offensive classist stuff that you say in private... yeah, then it gets uncomfortable.

That is the most American headline I’ve ever read.

I cannot stand Taylor Swift. She attacks anyone who doesn’t thinkshe is magical rainbows and sunshine. She claims feminism when it suits her, while she carrots with her white thin crew of friends. I feel like she purposely body shamed Lena by bringing her onstage with supermodels. She can have black friends, but not

Thank youuuuuuu! I find her songs to be soulless and boring, like something concocted by a highschooler, and her singing is really baaaaad. I heard “Bad Blood” for the first time just recently and honestly thought it was a parody. She’s atrocious, artistically. To me, that is, I don’t mean to offend any fan of hers.

See, this is where I differ from Taylor’s fans. She writes her own songs, fairly poorly, she sings in a thin reedy voice, and she’s attained a basic level of musicianship. Her fans are free to love her, but I hate it when ‘but she does it all herself!’ gets trotted out as a reason I should be impressed, even if I

Yea, I know that’s her shtick and I guess it’s working, but I don’t get it. “Haha, it’s so funny that I’m not good at part of that thing that I get paid millions of dollars to do! Oh, darn!”

She needs a hip-movement tutor and then she’ll be okay. But this display goes along with my general impression of her—I don’t see as as the kind of gal to genuinely let loose and you need that to be an impressive performative dancer.

That was my main take away from the one time I watched the Shake It Off video as well. So, those were really the best takes they could get then.

wow tswift is an atrocious dancer