Levi Williams

Have you read his other book, the Neon Bible? I haven't but I'm considering it (because Dunces was so good) and was wondering if it's worth it.

Almost done with Consider the Lobster, it's my first David Foster Wallace and I like it a lot.
Next up: Moby Dick. I need to cross that fucker off my bucket list already.

I think there's a big difference between a joke, however tasteless it is, and posting a video of and tweeting every possible update about a family's personal tragedy.

I'm not an expert on the French Revolution, but how much gray can you really give Robespierre? Fanatical nut who murders a whole lot of people seems pretty cut-and-dried to me.

I wanted to edit my post to add something again but couldn't find it, I hope you'll excuse to responses to this post (how undisciplined of me!).

Fair enough. Again, I'm not him so I'm speculating but I think he meant "I wanted to hurt him" in a general sense, as in "I wanted to verbally yell at him because he upset me." I would personally say that the real issue with the apology isn't that he sidestepped how it is seems pretty obvious that he uses the word

I don't want to get into statements that are too black-and-white, because of course I am speaking with a broad brush. But I would say that there is a pretty clear example of disciplined versus undisciplined. It's honestly a little bit of the smell test ("I'll know it when I see it") but I think that it is often clear

Yeah, but more often than not that's kind of what separates a disciplined writer from an undisciplined one. That's not always a bad thing, and sometimes that can lead to greatness (from the very little bits of Ulysses it seems a little undisciplined, but from what I understand that leads to its greatness), more often

My guess is he didn't really go with, "It was the worst thing I can think of." I'd bet that it was the heat of the moment and he just said the first thing that came to mind. So I would definitely agree that the "not in my vernacular" sounds pretty unlikely, but I'd guess that "f——t" slipped out because it is in his

I don't think there will be 16 books, but hey, what the fuck do I know, I'm just the writer, right?

My guess is he didn't really go with, "It was the worst thing I can think of." I'd bet that it was the heat of the moment and he just said the first thing that came to mind. So I would definitely agree that the "not in my vernacular" sounds pretty unlikely, but I'd guess that "f——t" slipped out because it is in his


That comment + your posting name = I lol'd.

I'd trade my young son for a Howe-written history of the last 10 years at DC.

I had no idea that Dave Eggers was so disliked. I really liked the book, although I did read it at probably the best possible time one could read it.

BOOM! There's that expert level rhetoric I was waiting for! Boom!

You're prowess in debate is formidable. Due to your use of the language and bulletproof logic I know feel the need to "Fuck off and die".

"Reasonable for a bicycle" isn't reasonable on roads primarily driven by vehicles trying to go the speed limit. It's a stupid law, bro.

"They're already banned on sidewalks, and going in circles in a parking lot isn't really the best way for me to get from my apt to my office."

Lots of things are legal and are still stupid and should be judged as stupid. Splitting the lane is absolutlely one of them.