Levi Williams

I've found that East of West is the hardest to keep up with. Manhatten Projects, to me at least, is about as easy/difficult to remember what happened last month as every other comic. East of West, though, just has so much going on that's mentioned so off the cuff that it's almost like Hickman thought, "How can I make

Thor: As good as Oliver says it is.

It's funny how you put Batman under both categories. I would not be able to disagree with you on that.

Man, that just blows my mind. Scalped is my favorite Vertigo comics, and one of my top 10 comics period.

Both please.

How is the Crossing?

I will never forget how I found out that the Sonics moved: I was in Kuwait sitting in a USO reading an editorial in the back of a sports illustrated. It was written from a Seattle sports fan lamenting the move. The title of the article was, "In Seattle we read the economic pages to cheer ourselves up after the sports

You have a brother who is an Eagles fan who gets wall-punching angry after a major loss? Do you have any walls left?

I feel like Detroit could be used in literally any situation.
Afghanistan: At least you're not Detroit.

You know, if someone is upfront about their bandwagon tendencies and says, "I like to watch a winner" I don't really mind. This is assuming they legitimately enjoy the sport, and it's not just "Oh I'm from Boston and now I like baseball again since the Red Sox are good and oh did they just score a goal?"

I'll be honest, I have a TV but I don't have cable. And I preferred it when I didn't have Netflix. It just becomes so easy to sit down and flip something on and next thing I know bam! It's been six hours, I've watched season two of Ink Master, and I haven't accomplished anything that I was hoping to (read, watch some


I haven't seen season 4 but it's on the list.

The best thing the OC ever did was kill of Barton's character. The worst thing the OC did was wait until the end of the third season to kill of Barton's character.

She probably did have Jon Stewart in mind… once a Stewart-hosted Daily Show became really, really popular.

I watched the Daily Show, um, daily in high school, took a couple of years a off, and came back in about two years ago. One thing I've noticed is how much more serious he's gotten. He still does a lot of the stupid politician/ Stewart being a goof thing, but it is a regular occurrence that either a politician or a

I haven't read the run since they first came out, but as I recall it was really solid. But, I would skip a chunk in the middle where the team roster changed up. I forget who all made the cut but I remember my 11-year-old self thinking, "We're dropping Captain America and Thor for this shit?!?"

Speaking of: I want new Manhattan Projects. Now.

I'll tell you what, I can't justify it but I dig that crazy X-Men nonsense.
