Levi Dettwyler

Well, I guess my shark-assisted open heart surgery program is out of the question now.

What if you are in the middle of a 48+ hour processing job?

Hydrogen? Isn't that what they put in the Hindenburg?? And there are two of them??? You're not putting any of that in my water!


Okay, so I assume it's generally accepted that the fandom for this show consists primarily of young girls and bronies. If that's inaccurate please correct me.

I just wish it was something else other than a high school drama.

Geez, Celestia, why not send Lyra?

>2,003,663,613 × 2195,000 − 1

What could possibly go wro...

Oh, no! A study about the perception of dancers related to their body symmetry had falsified data! Shut it down, everyone; everything's ruined.

Or dear my look what we have here.

"Typically, liberals 'think' in stereotypes."

I do get where you are coming from. I feel that people aren't as dumb about computers as companies think, especially now, it's a few years that these things existed. Users will stay away from areas of the computer they are not conformable with.

Its all fun and games until you break a window.

That's the last time we're ever buying from IBM.

Great! Now I can get rid of the computer that I normally use to open the bay doors.

So, ComiXology apologizes, but certainly io9 doesn't owe its readers an apology for "Apple's stone-cold vision of the future has no room for gay people, at least not if they're going to express their sexuality," right? Being that the article did not merely report what ComiXology said, but included the author's own

It's used to point at a Powerpoint presentation on a 1,000 foot screen.

I can see the chemistry porn titles now:

The scientists who stare at hens