Levi Dettwyler

No, the time vortex is Tau.

Here's what's wrong:

I don't get it. I can't tell the difference between sound overlaid in editing and the sound those apparatuses are supposed to be making.

Thanks for the reference. I am actually legitimately interested in what has to be said on the matter.

but against saying "because you are a sinner, you will be damned."

He's just regenerated. Is it not normal for him to be a little off right after a regeneration?

Ah, and now we arrive at one of the biblical contradictions. We must hold certain acts to be sinful, but doing so requires that we judge those that commit those acts to be sinners. But wait, we aren't supposed to judge others! Thus, we cannot determine if someone is evil or not based on their actions, except that

Pardon all of them.

Apparently, Linux man pages are not good sources of information.

It was worded a little awkwardly, but I'll take wry cynicism any day.

people should be allowed to make statements that one agrees with without being subjected to criticisms that one does not agree with.

How is it not vilification? Virtually all anti-gay messages are inherently vilifying, because they're based on the idea that homosexuality is sinful or damaging. Therefore, those that would willingly engage in it despite its damaging nature must be committing evil acts.

That… was a very long web page. I was originally going to post a fairly-long discussion of his comments, but when I look at the sheer size of the content you linked to, it's clear that nothing I write will come close to making any original points. I'll trust that you've committed yourself enough to going through

Just let people have their opinions on this kinda thing, then STFU

I always thought Orson Scott Card's anti-gay propaganda felt a little too much like the anti-bugger propaganda. When you take the events of "Speaker for the Dead" into account, it's like he missed the point of his own books. Perhaps he should re-read them.

I think he's a big old asshole about it and other things.

Then again, he openly advocates eugenics,

Advocating that he KNOWS something that we have no way of detecting doesnt exist is just as retarded as the religious people he so hates.