Levi Dettwyler

"foiling RFID thieves"

"foiling RFID thieves"

"foiling RFID thieves"

I think you may have misunderstood my comment.

"I was starting to think of committing a crime"

Peripheral vision. It makes the experience more immersive and "real."

I don't get it. How is this different from searching through your history in your browser?

The game's rated M for a reason.

You have to PAY for POP/IMAP access?

Apparently, Yahoo doesn't support IMAP for desktop clients. I'd say that speaks volumes about their email service.

People still use Yahoo for email?

You could make that argument about any crime committed ever. Therefore, the argument is fairly useless.

The MLP articles bring out some of the worst offenders.

"Because really, it's so surreal and baffling that an actual human being would be so ignorant and hateful."

Their website in general is also painful to look at. It looks like it's masquerading as a real game studio website. Similar elements, terrible execution.

What if you didn't buy an iPad to play games on it, but you start playing free games on it?

Tabs in Finder, for free? Yes please.

No, this is a discussion of whether or not it is ridiculous to think there is. That's the only problem I had with the first comment. It's ridiculous to claim that you know, but it is not ridiculous to think that it is so ANY MORE than it's ridiculous to think that the buck stops with intelligent life in this

Actually, I think you've misunderstood my position.

I don't see my fallacy. If you didn't actually mean that my logical structure was flawed, then please, enlighten me with your additional "evidence" that makes one side more unlikely than the other.