Justin Jackson

Prob more likely the pandemic is being used an excuse to delay an unfinished game.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re just using the pandemic as an excuse to delay their unfinished game.

I may try it then as Sekiro’s combat made me rage return that game on Steam.

People need to stop buying into fearmongering. I’m sure businesses love this though since it’s giving them a nice sales increase during a slow time of theyear.

Still wtb Granblue Fantasy: Relink release date.

I know for a fact this is how the Total War games update mostly since CA came out and explained how Steam updating works.

3 is the only one I liked lol

Maybe Funimation really didn’t know what it was getting? Maybe it was just trying to lock up as many shows as possible? Maybe it should’ve held off?

This is basically it. The anime goes into far more detail than the manga. The manga has things like tits and whatnot but the sex scenes in the anime don’t exist in the manga.

Blizz bit themselves in the ass giving an ETA there was no way in hell they were going to meet. The release should have been a year from now.

When things like this become a thing it just shows how well off we really are in the Western world.

People really will find anything to be upset about.

Maybe I’ll finish some of my single player RPG’s this year like Persona 5 or The Legend of Heroes saga. Between MMO’s like WoW and FF14 and the Grand Strategy Games like CK2 and the Total War franchise I always find it hard to really focus on those games even though a part of me wants to.

Suicide is unfortunately pretty common with trans individuals so it’s possible. She also had some botched surgeries related to said transition.

Downloading emu’s to play some of these games that still don’t have a port to a modern system was so great for the nostalgia factor.

Whether you know some people or not doesn’t change the fact that there’s barely a reason to teleport that much in this game for me to personally see that as a motivator. Sure I guess it adds up over time but it’s not like this game has much to spend gil on anyway unless you’re someone into housing (which I personally

Meh it’s still a pretty badly implemented class (so much for it being a ‘solo class’ when you need a group for getting half the abilities). The ‘group finder’ needed to actually be a duty finder. The rewards for it are also still completely useless. Like Allied seals.... Oh you buy teleport tickets with them but the

Taking any ‘game rewards’ seriously is silly. The options are always based on bias by the people behind the reward or based on who paid said site.

I like the idea of acting like the Blizzcon protests were more than a couple dozen people (many of which were seen protesting for the cameras and then going inside to go play video games) out of thousands of attendees, 1 dude at the end of his question at the QnA panel which did get some cheers and ended there

I like how the letter is signed today but it mentions things that Blizzard overturned a week ago. They could at the very least make sure the letter is up to date.