Justin Jackson

Eh I personally think WoWs mythic raids are more challenging than savage and FF14 unfortunately has no M+ equivalent.

I feel the complete opposite on the end game comment. I can only ever play FF14 for about 2-3 weeks before I get bored since there’s not much to do PvE wise outside dungeons grinds. On the other hand WoW gives me a ton of open world content to enjoy on my alts who I never once do dungeons on.

received numerous expansions since then

Personally I found the entire golem story to be hilarious and so ridiculous even for a Final Fantasy. The idea that all these people went and made a 500 foot golem is just so nonsensical to me.

‘Players’ being a single blog post of 133 comments and I’m quite sure you can find players bitching about just about anything.

‘Importance’ or not the reality was that it was effecting everything and so that would have been the proper title for the article.

I mean every Blizzard game was down not just Classic.

I still hold out hope for FF:T to come to the Switch so I can play it on something besides my phone.

Comparing LFR to 40 man raids is a false equivalence. You should compare it to 20 man mythic raiding. Though I guess comparing the 40 man raids to LFR is works when it comes to comparing difficulty.

I never get the whole ‘there’s more community’ stuff when it comes to the old days. I think this reddit post said it best.

I played till level 11 and was just had it confirmed for myself that I am in no way shape or form nostalgic about how the game was 15 years ago. Now maybe I’d feel a little different for a TBC or WotLK server since hybrid specs outside healing started becoming viable then.

In other news NexusMods now gets even more visits.

It’s pretty easy to find emu’s of old PS2 games which is good for games like Suikoden since Konami is never going to port games.

Least there’s emu’s for me to replay Suikoden 3 since we sure as hell are never getting old game ports from Konami.

Wonder how long till Blizzard tells Bethesda to not call it BNET.

Japan always takes things like this too far after tragedies. I get delaying and altering this weeks episode but there’s no reason to keep doing that.

It was all on the current map and not new areas.

Looks pretty but I’m still kinda annoyed the DLC’s for the game will all by mystical stuff. I personally would have preferred DLC’s that focused on real world locations like Origins which could have given us places that should have been in the damn base game like Mt Olympus.

Yea I feel the expansion is still kinda WoDish since pretty much nothing about the 1st matters in the end outside the Ascian storyline. We’re the only character who can move our own physical body between shards which means none of the new characters we meet will matter after ShB (I’m sure Lolifilia will get to cross

Yea the Rak’tika music is far too short and so it makes the looping incredibly noticeable and so it becomes annoying. Personally I feel vocal tracks just don’t work in a game that only has 1 day and 1 night track (that are usually about 3-4 minutes each) and it should stick with more ambient music that handles looping